The CVE-2020-4099 vulnerability is a critical security issue involving insufficient key length of digital signatures on an application. It has been discovered that a certain application had been signed with a weak key length of 1024 bits or less, making it prone to cyber attacks through forged digital signatures. This post will provide you with an in-depth look at CVE-2020-4099, how it can be exploited, and how to stay protected. We will also delve into sample code snippets, refer you to original sources, and explain potential security risks associated with this vulnerability. Let's dive into the details.

CVE-2020-4099 Overview

First and foremost, let's understand the basics of this vulnerability. CVE-2020-4099 refers to a cryptographic security flaw where an application has been signed with a key length less than or equal to 1024 bits. The shorter the key length, the easier it is for an attacker to forge the digital signature of the app after modifying it maliciously.

As a result, an attacker could potentially distribute a version of the app that has been compromised without users knowing. This could lead to many problems such as the installation of malware, data breaches, or information leakage from the user's device.

CVE-2020-4099 Exploitation

To further illustrate how an attacker could exploit this vulnerability, let's examine a simple code snippet:

// Original App Code
int main() {
  printf("Hello, World!\n");
  return ;

// Maliciously Modified App Code
int main() {
  // Malicious Code Here
  printf("Hello, World!\n");
  return ;

In the above example, an attacker could modify the original application's code, insert their own malicious code and re-sign the app with a forged digital signature using the vulnerable key length (less than or equal to 1024 bits). If the attacker is successful, the user will be entirely unaware that they have downloaded a compromised version of the app, leaving their information and device at risk.

Further Information

We encourage you to explore the following sources as they provide more detailed information on CVE-2020-4099:

1. Official CVE Details
2. National Vulnerability Database

Protecting Against CVE-2020-4099

In order to protect against this vulnerability, it is crucial to ensure that all applications are signed with a strong key length. The recommended minimum key length is 2048 bits. However, it is considered safer to use 3072 bits or even 4096 bits as it provides a higher level of security.

Additionally, users should be cautious when downloading applications and only install software from trusted sources. Stay informed about security vulnerabilities and update your applications as needed when patches become available.


CVE-2020-4099 is a critical security vulnerability that must be taken seriously. To stay protected, developers should sign their applications with a strong key length of at least 2048 bits. Meanwhile, users must be vigilant when installing software and only download from legitimate sources. Together, we can take the necessary steps to mitigate this security risk and keep our devices and information safe.


Published on: 11/01/2022 18:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/03/2022 17:14:00 UTC