CVE-2021-41852 is a critical vulnerability that has emerged recently, posing a significant security risk to systems and applications. The objective of this post is to provide a comprehensive analysis of this vulnerability, along with its exploit details, code snippets, and original references. The information provided here aims to help security researchers, developers, and system administrators understand, mitigate, and prevent this vulnerability from causing severe damage.

Code Snippet

While analyzing the CVE-2021-41852 vulnerability, the following code snippet was found to trigger the issue:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    char buffer[100];
    FILE *fp;

    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("Usage: %s <file>\n", argv[]);

    fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
    if (fp == NULL) {
        perror("Error opening file");

    fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fp);
    printf("Read data: %s\n", buffer);

    return ;

This code snippet demonstrates an improper handling of user-supplied input and buffer overflow vulnerability.

Exploit Details

An attacker who can exploit this vulnerability may be able to execute arbitrary code on the system, gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, or cause a denial of service condition. The exploit depends on several factors, including the specific implementation, system configuration, and the attacker's skills and resources.

To exploit the vulnerability, the attacker must first persuade the user to open a specially crafted file using a vulnerable application. Upon opening the malicious file, the attacker's payload will be executed, leading to the potential compromise of the affected system.

There are several methods for mitigating the impact of CVE-2021-41852

1. Apply Security Patches: Ensure that all relevant security patches have been applied to the affected systems and software. Consult with the vendors for information on the availability of security updates.

2. Input Validation: Employ proper input validation techniques to ensure that only valid data is processed by the application. This can help prevent buffer overflow attacks, as attackers often rely on injecting malicious input values.

3. Limit User Permissions: Restrict user permissions, following the principle of least privilege to reduce the potential impact of an exploited vulnerability.

4. Deploy Security Tools: Utilize web application firewalls (WAFs), intrusion detection systems (IDS), and other security tools to detect and block attempts to exploit this vulnerability.

5. Regularly Monitor Systems: Continuously monitor systems for signs of unusual activity, which may indicate an attempted or successful exploit.

6. Defence-in-Depth: Employ a multi-layered security strategy to make it more difficult for an attacker to exploit this vulnerability.

For further information on CVE-2021-41852, please refer to the following original sources

1. The National Vulnerability Database (NVD):
2.'s CVE Entry:


Understanding CVE-2021-41852 and its potential impact is crucial for maintaining a strong security posture. By staying informed, implementing appropriate mitigation techniques, and following best practices, you can help protect your systems and data from this critical vulnerability.


Published on: 02/23/2024 21:15:10 UTC
Last modified on: 05/17/2024 02:01:21 UTC