The CVE-2021-46946 identifier was originally assigned to a potential vulnerability that seemed to have serious security implications. However, since its assignment, this CVE ID has been rejected or withdrawn by its CVE Numbering Authority. Despite the rejection, it's important to understand the details behind the withdrawn CVE as they can provide insight into the vulnerability in question.

In this post, we'll discuss the history and speculation surrounding this withdrawn CVE and explore why it might have been withdrawn. We'll take a closer look at the code snippet, the potential exploit that might have existed, and related reference links.

The vulnerability is non-existent or misunderstood.

It's not entirely clear why CVE-2021-46946 was rejected, but it's possible that further research determined the vulnerability either didn't exist or wasn't as risky as initially thought.

The Potential Code Snippet

Although the original issue has been withdrawn, this code snippet represents a potential representation of what the vulnerability might have looked like:

def some_function(vulnerable_input):
    if check_function(vulnerable_input):  # The original vulnerability could be related to a lacking check
        user_data = received_data(vulnerable_input)
        raise Exception("Invalid input!")

In the above example, the missing or insufficient checking of user input, represented by vulnerable_input, could be a hint of where the vulnerability might have existed.

The Potential Exploit

If the vulnerability did indeed exist, there's a chance it could have been exploited by potential attackers who had discovered the issue. For example, an attacker might have exploited the vulnerability by sending specially crafted input to the vulnerable application, which could in turn allow them to execute arbitrary code, read sensitive information, or access restricted functions.

For more information on rejected or withdrawn CVEs, refer to the following resources

1. Official CVE List:
2. CVE Rejection FAQ:
3. NVD Rejected CVE List:
4. CVE Assignment Process:


Although CVE-2021-46946 was ultimately rejected or withdrawn, the information we can gather from potential code snippets and exploits can still be valuable, as it helps raise awareness of possible vulnerabilities in software and encourages developers to implement thorough security measures. It's crucial to follow best practices when it comes to handling user data and input validation to prevent the occurrence of such vulnerabilities.

Stay informed about the latest vulnerabilities and stay ahead of potential threats by monitoring legitimate sources of information relating to CVEs and security incidents. And, most importantly, always strive to develop and maintain secure applications!


Published on: 02/27/2024 19:04:06 UTC
Last modified on: 03/08/2024 10:15:45 UTC