CVE-2022-0337: Understanding the File System API's Flaw in Google Chrome on Windows and How You Can Protect Yourself

In today's increasingly digital world, security and privacy are of paramount importance. Recently, a new vulnerability has been discovered under the identifier CVE-2022-0337. This vulnerability is related to an inappropriate implementation in the File System API in Google Chrome on Windows, specifically in versions prior to 97..4692.71.

This security flaw, classified as high severity by Chrome, could potentially allow a remote attacker to gain access to sensitive information through a specifically crafted HTML page. In this post, we will delve into the details of this vulnerability, provide code snippets to demonstrate how it works, and discuss ways you can protect yourself.

Exploit Details

The root cause of this vulnerability lies in the improper implementation of the File System API within Google Chrome, which is responsible for managing file access for websites. This API is intended to allow web applications to store and manipulate files on the local file system in a secure and encapsulated way.

However, due to the improper implementation, certain limitations around the access to and control of local files are not strictly enforced. This allows a potential attacker to craft an HTML page with malicious JavaScript code designed to exploit these weaknesses and eventually access sensitive user data, such as the contents of arbitrary files on the user's computer.

- Chrome Releases: Stable Channel Update for Desktop
- NVD - CVE-2022-0337

Code Snippet

Here's an example snippet that demonstrates how an attacker could create an HTML page with malicious JavaScript code to exploit the flaw:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Exploiting CVE-2022-0337</title>
  <h1>Exploiting CVE-2022-0337</h1>
    // Using the File System API to create a file
    let fileHandle;
    async function createFile() {
      fileHandle = await window.chooseFileSystemEntries({
        type: 'save-file',
      // Write content to the file
      writeFile('This is a test');

    async function writeFile(content) {
      const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable();
      await writable.write(content);
      await writable.close();

    // Exploit the vulnerability to read arbitrary files
    async function readFile(file) {
      const response = await fetch(file);
      const content = await response.text();

    // Triggering the exploit
    createFile().then(() => {

Please note that this code snippet is for demonstration purposes only and should not be used for any malicious purposes.

Protect Yourself

As a user, the easiest and most effective way to protect against this vulnerability is to update your Google Chrome browser to the latest version (97..4692.71 or later). Google has released a patch to address the issue, and you'll be secure so long as your browser is up-to-date. To do so, follow these steps:

The browser will check for updates and install them automatically if available.

Additionally, it's a good practice to be cautious when visiting unfamiliar websites, as well as downloading and opening files from unknown sources. By developing a mindful approach to online security, you can significantly reduce your risk of falling prey to potential exploits.


In summary, the CVE-2022-0337 vulnerability in Google Chrome on Windows was caused by an inappropriate implementation of the File System API, resulting in potential access to sensitive information by remote attackers. By understanding the nature of this vulnerability and keeping your browser up-to-date with the latest security patches, you can stay protected and maintain a secure online experience.


Published on: 01/02/2023 23:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 01/09/2023 19:17:00 UTC