CVE-2022-0796 An after free bug in Media in Google Chrome prior to 99.0.4844.51 could be exploited by a remote attacker.

CVE-2018-6042 had been reported as a possible instance of this issue, but it was later discovered that the reported instance was actually a different issue. There was only one reported instance of this issue. It affected Chrome OS devices, as well as Android and Windows devices. A maliciously crafted HTML page could cause a Chrome OS device to enter an unresponsive state, potentially allowing an attacker to gain remote access to the device via a series of steps. This issue only affected Chrome OS devices. This issue was addressed by revoking certain privileges before unresponsive Chrome OS devices enter unresponsive states when they receive maliciously crafted media. This issue only affected Chrome OS devices. It was addressed by revoking certain privileges before unresponsive Chrome OS devices enter unresponsive states when they receive maliciously crafted media. This issue was confirmed to affect Windows, Android, and Chrome OS devices. Devices running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and above, Windows, and Chrome OS are all at risk. These devices may be at risk if administrators allow users to browse untrusted websites.

How do I know if my device is affected?

If you're affected by this issue, you'll see the following warning notification when your device enters a Chrome OS unresponsive state:
"You have entered an unresponsive state. This can happen if your device has been compromised by malware or a virus."
This will only occur if your device is experiencing an unresponsive state due to CVE-2018-6042.

CVSS Scores for CVE-2018-6042

CVSS Score: 6.8 CVSSv2 Vector: AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:N
CVSSv3 Vector: (AV): (N/AC) (M/Au) (C) (I) (A)

What to do if you are affected by this issue

If your device is affected by this issue, you should review the mitigation steps provided in order to prevent this issue from being exploited.

Check if you're affected by the issue

The issue that was discovered in Chrome OS devices does not affect Apple products.

Reason for writing:
A blog post on how to avoid common mistakes when outsourcing SEO and other digital marketing services.


Published on: 04/05/2022 01:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 08/15/2022 11:15:00 UTC
