CVE-2022-22977 VMware Tools contains an XXE vulnerability.

XXE is a type of cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability that occurs when untrusted data is fed into a web application. Depending on the context in which the data is used, it can have various impacts. For example, malicious data injected into an email message can be very harmful, as users may easily forward the email with the malicious attachment. Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities happen when data is used in a way that it was not intended. For example, if an email message contains malicious data, it may lead to cross-site scripting vulnerability. The severity of cross-site scripting vulnerability depends on the context in which data is used. The most common example is in an email message, where a malicious actor can easily forward the message to other users, resulting in a DoS condition for the targeted user. The best way to protect your organization from cross-site scripting vulnerabilities is to educate your employees about the importance of checking email messages sent by colleagues and vendors before they are forwarded.

Steps to Take to Protect your Organization from Cross-site Scripting

First, your organization needs to educate employees about the risks of opening email messages from other individuals at work. Many organizations have policies that require employees to confirm a message before forwarding it. Organizations may also provide training on how to identify malicious content in email messages and how to handle the situation if detected. The second step is to check for cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in email messages. You can do this by using an online scanner or manually checking the message for elements of code that should not be there. In some cases, tools like FireEye allow you to scan webpages for potential XSS vulnerabilities and fix them before they are distributed to users. Some companies also use XSS filters within their web browser as a second defense against cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
Protecting your organization from cross-site scripting vulnerabilities is critical because they can lead to significant business consequences, such as data theft or loss, financial loss, and reputational damage.



What is Cross-Site Scripting?

Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities happen when data is used in a way that it was not intended. For example, if an email message contains malicious data, it may lead to cross-site scripting vulnerability. The severity of cross-site scripting vulnerability depends on the context in which data is used. The most common example is in an email message, where a malicious actor can easily forward the message to other users, resulting in a DoS condition for the targeted user.
Within WordPress itself, cross-site scripting vulnerabilities are exploited by exploiting flaws in WordPress plugins or themes that have generated HTML code using PHP and allowed it to be displayed by the site’s template engine (the functions.php file).

Browsers Affected

The most common browsers affected by XSS vulnerabilities are Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Other browsers that are susceptible to XSS vulnerabilities include Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, and Maxthon.


Published on: 05/24/2022 19:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 06/09/2022 15:52:00 UTC
