CVE-2022-30564: Dahua Embedded Product Timestamp Vulnerability and Exploit Details

CVE-2022-30564 refers to a vulnerability discovered in Dahua embedded products that allows unauthorized modification of the device timestamp. Dahua is a major manufacturer of security cameras and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The vulnerability exists due to improper validation of user inputs, enabling attackers to execute unauthorized actions such as modifying the device system time.

In this post, we will be discussing the vulnerability, providing a code snippet as a proof of concept, and linking to the original references for further details.


The vulnerability occurs when Dahua embedded products do not properly validate user inputs while processing a crafted packet. An attacker can take advantage of this vulnerability by sending a malformed packet to the vulnerable interface, thereby gaining the ability to modify the device's system time. Changing the system time on security devices could lead to potential security risks, such as manipulation of recorded events, hindering event tracking, and undermining the overall security of the system.


Although we will not provide the complete exploit code, the following code snippet demonstrates a proof-of-concept for CVE-2022-30564:

import socket

def craft_packet(new_timestamp):
    # Craft a malicious packet to change the device timestamp

def send_packet(ip, port, packet):
    # Send the malicious packet to the vulnerable device

if __name__ == "__main__":
    target_ip = "TARGET_IP_ADDRESS"
    target_port = 12345  # Replace with the appropriate Dahua device port

    new_timestamp = "NEW TIMESTAMP"

    malicious_packet = craft_packet(new_timestamp)
    send_packet(target_ip, target_port, malicious_packet)

Keep in mind that this code snippet is just a proof-of-concept and will not have any real effect unless the proper packet crafting and sending logic are implemented.

1. CVE details:
2. NVD reference:
3. Dahua official website:

In conclusion, CVE-2022-30564 is a significant vulnerability affecting some Dahua embedded products, allowing attackers to modify the device system time. Users of Dahua devices are encouraged to contact the manufacturer or consult with the original references for potential updates, patches, and mitigations for this vulnerability.


Published on: 02/09/2023 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 02/16/2023 22:00:00 UTC