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What is Batch Job?

One of the many things that a batch job can be is an automation process to set up and automate repetitive tasks. This can be done with batch jobs such as:
- Creating a VBA application to schedule tasks
- Setting up telephone call forwarding
- Sending automated emails
- Automating any other type of task that must be done repeatedly, such as logging into websites or checking for updates on user accounts, etc.
Batch jobs are most often used for business purposes. For example, if you have a computer program that runs all day and does a task every hour, then you can make those tasks run through your batch job. If you want to change the task that is being done every hour, then you would simply change the code in your batch job. This can also save time by not having to manually log in or do anything else manually.

What is CVE-2022?

CVE-2022 is a vulnerability found in the popular email marketing software, Mailchimp. It could be exploited by an attacker to gain access to the company's customer database, which contains information such as email addresses and password hashes. The vulnerability affects all versions of Mailchimp up through v6.0 (however, Mailchimp has since released v6.1).

Establish space usage baseline

Data gathered by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) shows that there were approximately 3,900,000,000 people online in 2009. The ITU also indicates that this number will grow to 6,800,000,000 by 2020. In many areas of the world where internet speeds are slow or expensive, these statistics show that not everyone has access to the internet. To establish a demographic baseline for your company’s website and social media marketing efforts, it is crucial to have a space usage baseline from which you can measure against.
This baseline should include all of your current users, those who have visited but not signed up for your service, those who have visited and signed up but never used your service, and those who never set foot on your website or social media platform at all. You should also include those individuals who you do not know if they use your website or social media profiles on their own behalf or as a representative of another individual or organization. By having a historical data set with all of this information from every user who has accessed one of your websites or social media platforms over the last year, you can make more informed decisions about how to best market yourself to achieve higher engagement rates and better conversion rates.


Published on: 08/01/2022 21:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 08/08/2022 17:16:00 UTC
