CVE-2022-3171 BINARY data in protobuf-java core and lite versions prior to 3.21.7, 3.20.3, 3.19.6 and 3.16.3 can lead to a DoS attack.

The issue has been fixed in the latest release versions of protobuf-java. Users who are currently using the versions mentioned above are advised to upgrade as soon as possible to avoid possible outages.

In a recent blog post, the team at Intuit highlighted two critical issues in the Apache License version 2.0. The issues are related to the lack of restrictions on the use of the Apache License in source code, which may allow for the use of the Apache License on software that transfers money, such as in-app purchases. This can give licensees the power to change the terms of the license, which may have negative consequences for the software.
In order to make sure that Apache License code is used in a responsible manner, the Apache Software Foundation recommends that licensees check their licensing terms against the guidelines outlined in the Software License Guidelines.

Apache License Version 2.0

's Problems
The Apache License version 2.0 is a free software license for software that is licensed under the Apache License. The Apache License grants broad permissions to users, allowing anyone to use and modify the source code of the software if it meets certain requirements. But, as seen in Intuit’s blog post, there are two problems with the license.
First, the Apache License does not provide any restrictions on how the source code can be used or modified by others, which may lead to unintended consequences such as selling in-app purchases without permission from developers who made them. This is because publishers of this type of software are not required to specify their licensing terms when using their product or service (meaning they can change terms) and typically do not have any open source licenses associated with them (which could be considered a copyright violation). Second, another issue with the Apache License version 2.0 is that it does not place any restrictions on publishers' use of binary files that contain your source code. Under this license, publishers can distribute binary files containing your source code without following your licensing terms as long as they do not include any copyright notices or licenses associated with them (such as GNU General Public License v3).
Therefore, if you are a developer using this license in your business, make sure you are aware of its potential issues and follow these guidelines to avoid potential problems:
1) Include an appropriate license agreement in binary files containing your code so that users can understand what

MIT License vs Apache License

The MIT License is a well-known license that can be used for software. It allows the use of the software for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, and does not require any changes to the original code. The Apache License version 2.0 was released in 2001, so it is relatively new. This means that its terms have not been widely tested by the community, which can make it less flexible than licenses like MIT.
In 2015, an issue with the Apache License’s terms was discovered. This issue raised questions about what could happen if a licensee changed their license. For instance, imagine a company using Software A under an Apache License with a clause that forbids them from charging money for the software without permission from Software A’s author. If Software A changes their terms to allow charging money without permission from Software A’s owner, the company would be able to charge money without permission from Software A’s owner because they owned their own license of Software A under this particular version of the Apache License v2.0.
The MIT License has no such restriction about changing their licensing terms as long as they also adhere to all other requirements set forth in the license itself; this has led many people to see it as more flexible than other licenses such as Apache License version 2.0.


Published on: 10/12/2022 23:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/13/2022 17:28:00 UTC
