You might have come across the following error while trying to push your code to GitHub.

HTTP Status Code 500: Internal Server Error

This issue is triggered when the GitHub server rejects your push request with the error code 500. This error basically means that the push request was rejected by GitHub.
In GitHub, you can find the list of Push requests rejected by GitHub by viewing the activity tab of your repository.

The solution to this issue is to use Custom Error Pages. You can set a custom 404 error page or set a custom 500 error page for your GitHub repository. You can also create your own error page for any other server-side code reject.

How to Set a Custom Error Page for GitHub Repository Push Requests

To set a custom error page for your GitHub repository, go to the application settings of your repository under Settings. Then, click on "HTTP Response Codes". From there, you can choose to use a 404 or 500 error code. This way, your push request will not be rejected by GitHub and will successfully be pushed to the server.

Custom Error Pages in GitHub

You can create a custom error page for your GitHub repository by following the below steps:
1. Access the activity tab of your repository on GitHub.
2. Click on "Rejecting an update", which is highlighted in red. This will take you to the settings page for this particular rejections.
3. Scroll down and find the "Custom Error Page" section, and enter your custom 404 or 500 error page URL here.

How to Set Up Custom Error Pages on GitHub

To set up your own custom error pages, you will have to create a new file named 'error.html' in the root directory of your repository. Next, you will have to add this code to the file:

How to Fix GitHub Error Code 500: Internal Server Error Using Custom Error Pages

If you've been running your own server and have been using GitHub to push codes to the repository, then you might have come across an error similar to this one:
HTTP Status Code 500: Internal Server Error

This issue is triggered when the GitHub server rejects your push request with the error code 500. This error basically means that the push request was rejected by GitHub.
In GitHub, you can find the list of Push requests rejected by GitHub by viewing the activity tab of your repository.
The solution to this issue is to use Custom Error Pages. You can set a custom 404 error page or set a custom 500 error page for your GitHub repository. You can also create your own error page for any other server-side code reject.

Create a Custom 404 Error Page

To set a custom 404 error page for your GitHub repository, go to Settings > Webhooks in GitHub (under the Branches and Pull Requests column) and enter the URL of your 404 error page. This can also be found under Settings > Webhooks, then Edit.

You can set a custom 404 error page for any server-side code reject. In GitHub, you would use Custom Error Pages > Add New. If you wanted to create your own custom error page for any other server-side code reject, you could do so by creating an endpoint on your site that serves up the template.


Published on: 09/13/2022 10:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/15/2022 20:52:00 UTC
