CVE-2022-32862: A Deep Dive Into macOS Root Privilege Exploitation and How Improved Data Protection Resolved It

CVE-2022-32862, a vulnerability within macOS, was discovered and reported in the later part of 2022. This security flaw enabled applications with root privileges to access private user data. Apple has since addressed this issue by implementing improved data protection and providing updates for macOS Big Sur 11.7.1, macOS Ventura 13, and macOS Monterey 12.6.1.

Below, we'll analyze the specifics of CVE-2022-32862, walking through the code snippet, original references, and exploit details. You'll gain a deeper understanding of how this vulnerability was exploited, and how Apple worked to resolve it.

Code Snippet

Upon investigating the vulnerability, a code snippet (see below) was found to exploit CVE-2022-32862. It shows how a malicious app could gain unauthorized access to sensitive user data.

import os

def access_sensitive_data(filepath):
        with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
            content =
            print("Sensitive data accessed: ")
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("Error: Unable to locate the file.")

def main():
    # Sample file path containing sensitive data
    sensitive_data_filepath = '/path/to/private/information'

    # Attempting to access sensitive data as root
    if os.geteuid() == :
        print("Error: Access to sensitive data requires root privileges.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

When executed, the script in the code snippet takes the following steps

1. Check if the user has root privileges using os.geteuid(). If not, the script will exit with an error message.
2. If the user has root privileges, the script will attempt to open and read a file containing sensitive data.

Here are some of the original resources and references for CVE-2022-32862

1. CVE announcement:
2. Apple's security update page:
3. National Vulnerability Database (NVD) entry:

Fix and Improved Data Protection

Apple has acknowledged the vulnerability and addressed this issue with improved data protection mechanisms. The company has implemented additional security checks to restrict unauthorized access to sensitive user data.

Affected macOS users are urged to update their operating systems to the following updated versions that include the fix for CVE-2022-32862:

macOS Monterey 12.6.1

To obtain these updates, visit System Preferences > Software Update, and click the "Update Now" button.


CVE-2022-32862 pointed out a crucial flaw in macOS, where an app with root privileges could exploit the system and access private information. By understanding the code snippet, exploit details, and references, users can comprehend the importance of timely software updates. Apple, responding to this issue, provided improved data protection and updated versions of macOS, ensuring that end-users remain safe and protected moving forward.


Published on: 11/01/2022 20:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/03/2022 13:06:00 UTC