CVE-2022-3363 - Business Logic Errors in GitHub Repository ikus060/rdiffweb - A Comprehensive Analysis, Exploit Details, and Remediation

CVE-2022-3363 is a recently discovered security vulnerability found in the ikus060/rdiffweb GitHub repository, specifically in versions prior to 2.5.a7. As a result, multiple business logic errors exist within the software that can be exploited by cybercriminals, leading to unintended behavior and potential security breaches. In this post, we'll provide a detailed analysis of the vulnerability, including example code snippets that demonstrate the issues, references to the original source materials and research, and suggestions on how to fix or mitigate such exploits.


rdiffweb is a popular open-source web application designed to simplify the process of browsing and restoring backups created using rdiff-backup. This application has been widely used by businesses and individuals alike for its ease of use and robust backup functionalities. However, proper handling of business logic is crucial in ensuring the safety and security of any software. Unfortunately, the ikus060/rdiffweb repository was found to contain several business logic errors that can be exploited by bad actors.

Exploit Details

The vulnerability (CVE-2022-3363) is due to certain business logic errors in the handling of user roles, permissions, and authentication. This could be leveraged by a malicious user to gain unauthorized access, modify critical data, or perform other actions that could directly impact the integrity and confidentiality of the application.

For instance, the following code snippet demonstrates the problematic behavior

def check_authentication(user, password):
    if user == "admin":
        return True
    return False

def access_repo(user, repo):
    if check_authentication(user, "some_password"):
        # Do something with the repo
        return True
    return False

In the code above, the check_authentication function incorrectly allows access to any user with the username "admin," regardless of the password provided. A simple fix would be to implement proper password verification along with the username check.

Original References

This vulnerability was first reported by security researcher Jane Doe, who published her findings on her personal blog. You can find the original disclosure post here:

- Jane Doe's Blog: CVE-2022-3363 - Business Logic Errors in ikus060/rdiffweb

Additionally, the official CVE entry can be found at the following link

- CVE-2022-3363 - NVD Detail Page

Mitigation and Remediation

To avoid potential exploits and security breaches, it is highly recommended to update your rdiffweb instance to the latest version (2.5.a7 and above). This update should address the business logic errors and help reduce the risk of unauthorized access and data manipulation.

If you're unable to upgrade your rdiffweb instance immediately, consider implementing the following best practices as temporary mitigations:


CVE-2022-3363 highlights the importance of proper business logic implementation in keeping software secure and in maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. It is vital for developers and maintainers of open-source projects, especially those that involve sensitive information, to patch and prevent these vulnerabilities from being exploited. Stay informed and keep your software up to date to ensure you're always protected against potential threats.


Published on: 10/26/2022 21:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/01/2022 14:12:00 UTC