CVE-2022-3439 Allocating resources without limits or throttling in a GitHub repository prior to 2.5.0.

In most cases, GitHub will automatically throttle the read/write speed of your repos to avoid overloading the system. If you would like to disable this feature, you can do so by setting up rdiff to use a custom read-ahead buffer size. We recommend setting this value to at least 1MB. For example, to enable read-ahead of 2MB, you would set the following setting in your repository's settings: -Xms256m

In order to prevent your code from slowing down due to heavy traffic, it is a good idea to set up rdiff to use a custom read-ahead buffer size. We recommend setting this value to at least 1MB. For example, to enable read-ahead of 2MB, you would set the following setting in your repository's settings: -Xms256m

How to Set Up Read-Ahead Buffering in rdiff

To set up read-ahead in rdiff, you will need to edit the file /etc/rdiff-backup.conf. By default, this file is empty and does not contain any configuration settings.
In order to set up read-ahead of 2MB on a repository with one commit, add the following line after the [global] section:


Published on: 10/14/2022 12:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/15/2022 02:15:00 UTC
