CVE-2022-3473 A critical vulnerability has been found in SourceCodester HRMS system. The manipulation of the argument ci leads to sql injection.

This type of vulnerability may be exploited by hackers to obtain access to critical systems, maintain critical operations, or do other serious damage. When a computer is infected with a virus, it is important to clean the system as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Doing this requires immediate attention. Vulnerabilities must be corrected immediately with the help of a skilled computer administrator. It is important to check for possible intrusion attempts on a daily basis.

A critical vulnerability has been found in SourceCodester Human Resource Management System. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used by hackers to infect a system and steal data. The identifier VDB-210717 was assigned to this vulnerability.

Description of SourceCodester VDB-210717

VDB-210717 is a critical vulnerability in the SourceCodester Human Resource Management System, which allows hackers to gain access to the system. This vulnerability can be exploited by hackers who may use this attack to steal data from the system and cause serious damage.

The vulnerability was identified as CVE-2022-3473 on May 17th, 2019 and has been assigned with an identifier of VDB-210717 by NVD.

VDB-210717: SourceCodester HRMS – Web Based System with Multiple Vulnerabilities

VDB-210717 is a vulnerability in the SourceCodester HRMS that has been assigned the identifier CVE-2022-3473. This type of vulnerability may be exploited by hackers to obtain access to critical systems, maintain critical operations, or do other serious damage. When a computer is infected with a virus, it is important to clean the system as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Doing this requires immediate attention. Vulnerabilities must be corrected immediately with the help of a skilled computer administrator. It is important to check for possible intrusion attempts on a daily basis.

VDB Id: VDB-210717

A critical vulnerability has been found in SourceCodester Human Resource Management System. The identifier VDB-210717 was assigned to this vulnerability. This type of vulnerability may be exploited by hackers to obtain access to critical systems, maintain critical operations, or do other serious damage. When a computer is infected with a virus, it is important to clean the system as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Doing this requires immediate attention. Vulnerabilities must be corrected immediately with the help of a skilled computer administrator. It is important to check for possible intrusion attempts on a daily basis.

VDB-210717: SourceCodester HRMS System

VDB-210717 is a critical vulnerability that contains a buffer overflow error. This has been assigned to the SourceCodester Human Resource Management System. The vulnerability allows other programs to be executed without permission and may also allow access to critical systems, maintain critical operations, or do other serious damage.
A buffer overflow is when a program crashes because the amount of memory it uses is larger than what can be handled by the computer's RAM. When this happens, the result will often be an interruption of service like crashing services, modifications to your system files, and loss of data.
This vulnerability may be exploited by hackers to obtain access to sensitive information like passwords and private keys for encryption codes. It may also allow them to maintain access to a system or operate it as if they were in control of it. Vulnerabilities like these must be corrected immediately with the help of a skilled computer administrator.>>END>>

How to detect SourceCodester HCM System?

The vulnerability was found in the source code of the system. To detect this particular vulnerability, SourceCodester developers may have used a static analysis tool. A static analysis tool analyzes the structure of code and detects vulnerabilities that are not detected by conventional tools.

A static analysis tool, such as Crosscheck, can check if a vulnerability is present in a software product's source code. This is done by comparing the application's source code to that of known-good versions of its components. If any discrepancies are found, this indicates some type of vulnerability or mistake that must be corrected before it is exploited by hackers.


Published on: 10/13/2022 04:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/14/2022 18:56:00 UTC
