CVE-2022-35091 DCTStream::readMCURow() has a floating point exception.

After fixing this issue, the team performed a code review and determined that several additional issues were also fixed: A new unit test was added to validate the change.

Code documentation was updated to reflect the correct usage of the new method.

The PR was sent to the maintainers for review. On May 7th, the Xpdf maintainers assigned the issue to the Quality Assurance team, who opened a case and requested a fix. After the team confirmed the fix, it was sent back to the Xpdf maintainers for review, who accepted the change and closed the case on June 20th.

The quality assurance team works with the maintainers to ensure that no regression issues are introd ced when changes are pushed to the repository, and that any issues fixed in the PR are properly documented.

The quality assurance team is a group of software engineers who work closely with developers and maintainers on GitHub, ensuring that changes pushed to the repository do not introduce new problems and that any issues fixed in the PR are properly documented. This ensures that the code will be stable for future use. The quality assurance team also works with maintainers to ensure their code meets certain standards of high-quality software engineering practices, such as test coverage and documentation.

Internal documentation quality

The first issue that was fixed with the new unit test was documentation quality. The documentation for the old method was not sufficient and did not express the correct usage of the new method. When there is a change in code, it is of utmost importance to document how the code should be used. This allows others to understand how the code changes work, which will help reduce bugs and further improve your product’s quality.


Published on: 09/23/2022 18:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/27/2022 04:18:00 UTC
