CVE-2022-36055 Helm is a tool for managing charts. The CNCF found that some functions in the _strvals_ package can cause an out of memory panic.

When installing the Helm client from the CNCF, if the `helm upgrade` command fails with the following error message: This issue has been resolved in 3.9.3 When installing the Helm client from the CNCF, if the `helm upgrade` command fails with the following error message: `ERROR: Failed to upgrade client: failed to create /app/helm:` This issue has been resolved in 3.9.3

Older versions of the Helm client are not able to upgrade to newer versions of the Helm client. The Helm client install in CNCF installs a version of the Helm client that is newer than what was previously on the Kubernetes cluster. This prevents an upgrade from working. The Helm client install in CNCF installs a version of the Helm client that is newer than what was previously on the Kubernetes cluster. This prevents an upgrade from working. This issue has been resolved in 3.9.3

When installing the Helm client from the CNCF, if the `helm upgrade` command fails with the following error message: This issue has been resolved in 3.9.3 When installing the Helm client from the CNCF, if the `helm upgrade` command fails with the following error message: `ERROR: Failed to upgrade client: failed to create /app/helm:` This issue has been resolved in 3.9.3

The `helm upgrade` command does not upgrade the Helm

Installing Helm from the CNCF

Helm is the Kubernetes package manager. You can install it on your Kubernetes cluster without having to run any commands.
1- Start by adding helm in the `kubectl` command: $ sudo kubectl create namespace kube-system $ sudo kubectl get sa Helm is the Kubernetes package manager. You can install it on your Kubernetes cluster without having to run any commands.
1- Start by adding helm in the `kubectl` command: $ sudo kubectl create namespace kube-system $ sudo kubectl get sa
2- Install Helm with a specific version of the Helm client and then upgrade: $ helm init --name myhelm --path /app/helm && \ cd /app/helm && \ helm upgrade stable/v3.8.2 --install-namespace=kube-system && \ cd ..

Helm Charts

If you install Helm charts from the CNCF, after upgrade to 3.9.3, you will not be able to deploy or upgrade a chart because the `helm upgrade` command fails with the following error message:
`ERROR: Failed to create /app/helm:`
The `helm upgrade` command does not upgrade the Helm client. This issue has been resolved in 3.9.3

B ooting the Kubernetes Master

The Helm client install in CNCF installs a version of the Helm client that is newer than what was previously on the Kubernetes cluster. This prevents an upgrade from working.

The `helm upgrade` command does not upgrade the Helm

The `helm upgrade` command does not upgrade the Helm client from older versions to newer versions. If a user has an older version of the Helm client installed, then a user will be unable to use the `helm upgrade` command successfully and upgrade the Helm client. This issue has been resolved in 3.9.3

Installing the Helm client from the CNCF

When installing the Helm client from the CNCF, if the `helm upgrade` command fails with the following error message: `ERROR: Failed to upgrade client: failed to create /app/helm:` This issue has been resolved in 3.9.3


Published on: 09/01/2022 13:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/08/2022 15:52:00 UTC
