CVE-2022-3624 An issue with the IPsec function rlb_arp_xmit was found and is considered problematic. The vulnerability causes a memory leak.

The Linux kernel packages are the main component of the Linux operating system, which is distributed widely used in various devices such as computers, smartphones, etc. If a security issue is found in the kernel, the entire system becomes vulnerable. Every time a new kernel version is released, the vendors roll out updates to their systems. If you are using the latest version of the distribution, it is recommended to upgrade your system. If you are running the previous version, you should install the packages updated. Linux kernel is the main component of the Linux operating system, which is distributed widely used in various devices such as computers, smartphones, etc. If a security issue is found in the kernel, the entire system becomes vulnerable. Every time a new kernel version is released, the vendors roll out updates to their systems. If you are using the latest version of the distribution, it is recommended to upgrade your system. If you are running the previous version, you should install the packages updated.

Install Linux Kernel Packages on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

On Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, the Linux kernel package is updated automatically on a regular basis. If a security issue is found in the kernel, you will be notified via the update tool.
The latest version of kernel packages has been released on October 25th, 2016 and now it’s time to upgrade your system. After upgrading the system, it would be recommended to upgrade your device again, as well as other packages that are dependent on linux kernel versions.
To install the kernel packages on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS:

Installing the latest Linux kernel on Ubuntu 15.10

To install the latest Linux kernel version on Ubuntu 15.10, use these commands:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo reboot
If you are running an earlier version of the distribution, the packages are available on the update repository.

How to check whether a Linux kernel is vulnerable?

You can check whether the Linux kernel is vulnerable by using the command "uname -r". If the kernel version is vulnerable, it will appear as "vulnerable" in the output. Then you should upgrade your system and install the latest packages.

Installing Linux kernel packages

First, you need to update the list of packages to get the latest version.
# apt-get update
Now, install kernel packages for all users on your system.
# apt-get install linux-generic
If you want to do a quick upgrade, use this command:
# apt-get upgrade --assume-yes

How to check your Linux kernel version?

To check how many versions of the Linux kernel you are running, run the following command as follows:
uname -r
This command returns a version number in lowercase. To find out which version of the kernel is currently installed, use this command:
uname -a
If you don't know what uname is, it is used to display information about your current system.


Published on: 10/21/2022 06:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/24/2022 18:23:00 UTC
