A user controlled or user supplied input could cause a serious risk if directly injected.

An attacker can inject SQL queries to inject malicious code or to collect data from the server. In certain situations, injecting SQL queries can give an attacker complete control of the database on the server. An attacker can also use SQL queries to delete data from the database, or change data in the database An attacker can also use SQL queries to create new data or to alter existing data.

An attacker can use SQL queries to create new email addresses or new user accounts. In certain situations, an attacker can use SQL queries to create new user accounts with administrative privileges. An attacker can use SQL queries to change the rights of other user accounts.

An attacker can use SQL queries to change the rights of system user accounts. An attacker can also use SQL queries to change the rights of other system user accounts. An attacker can use SQL queries to change the rights of other SQL user accounts. An attacker can use SQL queries to change the rights of other non-SQL user accounts. An attacker can use SQL queries to change the rights of other non-user accounts. An attacker can use SQL queries to change the rights of other system non-user accounts. An attacker can use SQL queries to change the rights of other non-system user accounts. An attacker can use SQL queries to change the rights of other non-non-user accounts

SQL Injection

SQL injection is a type of injection attack that exploits SQL database management systems. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by injecting an SQL query to the server-side application through which no filtering occurs, or through which filters are applied inconsistently or incompletely.

SQL injection vulnerabilities are among the most common vulnerabilities because they are so easy to exploit. You don’t even need to know how to code in order to exploit these vulnerabilities. Just take something like your website's contact form and you can see how simple it is to send a malicious request from the user input field that injects an SQL query directly into the database.

SQL Injection Examples

A common method of SQL injection is to use the concat function to inject a request. For example, an attacker can create a string like "1'='2'" and then concatenate it with other data in order for the database to execute the command.

Another example is using the DOUBLE EXTRACT function to extract data from another column in the same table. For example, an attacker can create a string like "SELECT * FROM user WHERE email='1'" and then use the DOUBLE EXTRACT syntax to extract all columns of data from that table into another column.


Published on: 09/01/2022 03:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/02/2022 20:40:00 UTC
