CVE-2022-36774 IBM Robotic Process Automation 21.0.0, 21.0.1, and 21.0.2 is vulnerable to man in the middle attacks due to the client proxy configuration.

An attacker can intercept traffic between the client and server, modify the data, and send it on its way to the final destination. The client proxy allows for fine-grained configuration and is a common point of access for many servers and systems. This allows for a great deal of flexibility in what data flows between the client and server. Most of the time, these are configured in a secure way, with strict limitations on what data can be sent between the two ends of the connection. Unfortunately, the configuration of these settings is not a secure as one would hope. The client proxy can be configured with an HTTP proxy, and a configuration of a malicious HTTP proxy can enable an attacker to intercept and alter the data being sent between the two systems.

Vulnerability Details

A vulnerability in the HTTP proxy allows for an attacker to intercept and alter data sent between the two systems. This is a problem because it allows an attacker to send malicious requests to the client, which may cause issues with the system's operations. These vulnerabilities were discovered by analyzing how HTTPS traffic would access an HTTP proxy and then receiving those responses from the server. By breaking down this process, security researchers found that some of these requests could be modified and still make it through without any errors being raised in the system.

These vulnerabilities allow for potential security issues on systems that utilize client proxies in their operation. The risks are even greater if these proxies are configured improperly or have seen some changes after installation; this means they can't be trusted any longer because they may not be operating as intended.

Summary of Key Points in this Article

A client proxy is a type of proxy that sits between the end user and their application. This allows the application server to perform additional processing on the data before it is sent on its way. This service can be configured to a wide variety of different settings, but unfortunately, these configurations are not as secure as one would hope for. The client proxies allow for an attacker to intercept traffic between the client and server, modify the data, and send it on its way to the final destination. There are many ways in which this can be exploited, with most of them coming from misconfigured settings. A summary of key points in this article includes:
- Client proxies can be configured with an HTTP proxy - A configuration of a malicious HTTP proxy enables an attacker to intercept and alter the data being sent between the two systems

Authentication and Authorization

The proxy server can be configured with HTTP authentication, which may provide some protection against malicious clients, but the configuration of this setting is not secure. The server-side proxy can also be configured to require client-side authentication, but this has its own vulnerabilities.
It is important that the data being transmitted between the client and server endpoints be encrypted to prevent attackers from intercepting it.

Overview of Client Proxy

A client proxy is a software component that sits between the client and server, facilitating the communication between them. It can act as a proxy for HTTP traffic, forwarding requests to the server which it then receives and forwards to the client. The client proxy has several functions: forwarding requests from one system to another, caching data locally on the system running it, automatically translating URLs in responses into their equivalent form in the request, logging outgoing traffic (which can be used for auditing purposes), and more.
The primary function of a client proxy is to facilitate communication by intercepting incoming requests and routing them through a different network location than they were received. The proxy will then forward these requests on to where they are needed without any intervention from the user. This allows for better control over where each request goes, making it easier for you to monitor what data is going out. This type of functionality allows for advanced configurations such as using an HTTP proxy or implementing a load balancer in front of your application so that you have specific control over how your application communicates with its clients. There are also other benefits associated with this type of configuration including caching local responses so that they can be delivered quickly even when users are offline or proxying all traffic through an SSL connection if you're concerned about privacy or security (among many other options).


Published on: 10/06/2022 18:16:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/07/2022 17:11:00 UTC
