CVE-2022-37857 bilde2910 Hauk v1.6.1 requires a hardcoded password which by default is blank

This hardcoded password can be easily retrieved by anyone who has access to the config.php file. This lack of security can pose a serious threat to your company’s data if the device is lost or stolen. The android app doesn’t even have a password to protect the config.php file. In order to update or install a new version of Hauk, customers must first uninstall the existing version of Hauk.


Important Points
- This hardcoded password can be easily retrieved by anyone who has access to the config.php file.
- The android app doesn’t even have a password to protect the config.php file.


Published on: 09/08/2022 16:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/14/2022 14:09:00 UTC
