CVE-2022-37985 Windows Graphics Component Information Disclosure Vulnerability.

Patching this issue will ensure that only signed graphics applications can run on your device. To learn how to patch this issue, follow our guide here. Another serious issue associated with the Android graphics stack is a critical information disclosure vulnerability. A malicious application could exploit this issue to reveal information about the device, including information about the user such as their profile data, location data, and more. Patching this issue will ensure that only signed graphics applications can run on your device. To learn how to patch this issue, follow our guide here. As you can see, there are several issues that can affect your Android device’s graphics capabilities. It is important to keep these issues patched.

What is the Android Graphics Stack?

The Android graphics stack is a set of software components responsible for providing 3D rendering, 2D rendering, and interaction with the user. It includes hardware-accelerated OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0, a 2D API called Cairo, and a 2D windowing system called SurfaceFlinger. The stack was introduced in Android 3.2 to replace the older Android Linux Graphics Renderer (GLR) that had been deprecated in 2010 because it was too difficult to maintain and supported only low-end devices.
Preventing security vulnerabilities by patching these issues is crucial for your device’s protection from malicious applications.

What is the Graphics stack?

The graphics stack is a set of processes responsible for drawing graphical elements on the screen. If one of these processes becomes compromised, your device might be at risk for attack from malicious applications. This can lead to the disclosure of sensitive information about your device and its user.
So, how does this affect you? Without the proper patching, malicious applications could run rampant on your device without your knowledge. Patching this issue will ensure that only signed graphics applications can run on your device. To learn how to patch this issue, follow our guide here.

Keep Your Android Up-to-Date

Keeping your device up to date will ensure that you have the latest security patches and bug fixes. If you don’t have time to keep your device updated, there are other things you can do, such as using a different operating system like Firefox OS.

How to patch Android graphics issues

Because these vulnerabilities could affect your device, it is important to keep them patched. To patch these vulnerabilities, follow our guide here.
If you have any questions about this issue or any other graphics-related issue on your device, please contact our support team.


Published on: 10/11/2022 19:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/11/2022 19:16:00 UTC
