CVE-2022-38137: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Vulnerability Discovered in Analytify Plugin <= 4.2.2 on WordPress

A significant security vulnerability, CVE-2022-38137, is found in one of WordPress's popular premium analytics plugins – Analytify (versions <= 4.2.2). This Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability can cause significant harm to both the users and the website. In this comprehensive article, we will discuss what this vulnerability means, why it's dangerous, and what you need to do to protect your website. We'll also present code snippets and link to original references, ensuring you have all the information you need in one place.

Exploit Details

The security vulnerability in question is a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) found in the Analytify WordPress plugin. CSRF attacks can manipulate authenticated users into executing unwanted or unauthorized actions on a web application. In the case of the Analytify plugin, an attacker can exploit the CSRF vulnerability to perform critical actions such as adding, modifying, or deleting records in the Analytify plugin's settings.

For a more in-depth understanding, take a look at the OWASP page on CSRF: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Code Snippet

The CSRF vulnerability in Analytify is due to the lack of proper nonce validation in the plugin's settings update process. Here is an example code snippet that shows the vulnerable part of the code:

// Analytify Plugin code sample
function wp_analytify_save_settings() {
    global $current_section, $wp_analytify, $reset_analytify_settings;

    if ( ! empty( $_POST ) && check_admin_referer( 'save_wp_analytify_settings', 'save_wp_analytify_settings_nonce_field' ) ) {

        $settings = $wp_analytify->settings->get_settings( $current_section );

        // Loop through all settings
        foreach ( $settings as $setting_key => $setting_value ) {
            // Updates Setting
            update_option($setting_key, $_POST[$setting_key]);

In this code snippet, the lack of nonce validation allows the CSRF vulnerability to occur, as the check_admin_referer() function isn't enough to protect against CSRF attacks. The code should implement a proper nonce check like this:

// Corrected code with nonce validation
function wp_analytify_save_settings() {
    global $current_section, $wp_analytify, $reset_analytify_settings;

    // Added proper nonce validation
    if (! isset( $_POST['save_wp_analytify_settings_nonce_field'] )
    || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['save_wp_analytify_settings_nonce_field'], 'save_wp_analytify_settings' ) ) {

    $settings = $wp_analytify->settings->get_settings( $current_section );

    // Loop through all settings
    foreach ( $settings as $setting_key => $setting_value ) {
        // Updates Setting
        update_option($setting_key, $_POST[$setting_key]);

In the corrected code, implementing wp_verify_nonce ensures that the submitted request is valid and originated from the user's session.

To mitigate the CSRF vulnerability in Analytify plugin, the following steps should be taken

1. Update the Analytify plugin to the latest version 4.2.3 or higher. Visit the official plugin page on Analytify on

2. Alternatively, you can follow the instructions and learn more about the update process in the Analytify Plugin Changelog: Analytify Changelog

3. For a more secure WordPress experience, consider using security plugins and keeping your WordPress site updated with regular security audits.


CVE-2022-38137, identified as a CSRF vulnerability in the Analytify plugin for WordPress, poses a notable risk to both website owners and users. By properly updating the plugin to version 4.2.3 or higher and implementing best security practices, you can protect your website from this vulnerability and ensure a safer online environment for you and your audience.


Published on: 11/08/2022 19:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/09/2022 14:42:00 UTC