CVE-2022-38260 The Interview Management System v1.0 had a SQL injection vulnerability.

A remote user or attacker can inject arbitrary SQL commands to the system, and the system will execute the command. If SQL injection is not blocked, it can lead to the information leak, data manipulation, or even the system denial and crashing.

Recommended precautionary measures to prevent SQL injection attacks include input validation and sanitization. If you are using a third-party CMS or application, ensure that the vendor has the latest patches and version updates.

SQL Injection

SQL injection is a type of injection attack that takes advantage of flaws within a SQL database or application. The name "SQL injection" comes from the English language, where it stands for Structured Query Language. In this type of attack, the attacker sends malicious commands to the database which will then be executed by the application.
The failure of input validation and sanitization makes SQL injection attacks very easy. They can also be used to manipulate data in addition to information leaks and system denial, thus leading to a possible cyberattack.

SQL Injection with create_switcher() function

SQL injection can be prevented in the following ways, using input validation and sanitization:

1) Query is not allowed to execute in create_switcher() function:
-For example, if user wants to change the language of page on your website, select will be unable to execute statement.
-If you want to use some specific MySQL functions, you need to set a parameter "query" for prepare(). If the parameter is not set or set with wrong value, it will not accept any query.
2) Sanitization of SQL query with parse_qs():
-The main idea of this function is to escape special characters (such as quotes and apostrophes), which are invalid inside SQL queries. This function must be used within prepared statements.

SQL Injection and XSS Attacks

SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks are important threats to the security of any website that uses databases. SQL injection is a type of injection attack where an attacker exploits a vulnerability in an application or web service which allows them to run arbitrary commands on the server by sending malicious commands through a web form. XSS attacks, commonly known as cross site scripting, are when attackers send malicious code from one website to another and have it executed on the target's browser.
The most basic SQL injection attack is when an attacker injects a single quote (') character into a parameter value in order to execute their own command, such as:
‘SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id=1’
This will return all rows from table “tbl” where the column “id” equals 1.
A more complicated SQL injection attack would be if an attacker wanted to write their own command into a parameter:
‘SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE id=1\'--' OR 1=0
In this case, if we were running this query on our table “tbl”, they would see all rows containing the column name “id” that match whatever is between those two quotes (e.g., 1). This can be used for things like data manipulation or data leak.
If you're using WordPress or other third-party CMS systems with PHP, ensure that you have updated your system and

SQL Injection with Default Configuration

SQL injection vulnerabilities are a serious threat to any business website and application, as they allow attackers to execute SQL commands on the system and gain information.
If you want to avoid this type of vulnerability, it is important to properly configure your database server and application.


Published on: 09/08/2022 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/09/2022 14:47:00 UTC
