CVE-2022-39010 The HwChrService module has a vulnerability in permission control

CVE-2019-12820 has been assigned to this issue. A patch has been released for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. Red Hat recommends users to install the patch as soon as possible. In order to install the patch, follow the instructions provided in the Red Hat Security Advisory.


- Red Hat Security Advisory

How did the Red Hat Security Advisory improve security?

CVE-2019-12820 received a patch release which improved the security of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. To read more about how the patch release improved security, you can visit the Red Hat Security Advisory website and read the Release Notes.
In order to install this patch:
1. Open a terminal window or command prompt 2. Enter yum update kernel
3. Enter reboot
4. Start your system


Published on: 09/16/2022 18:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 09/21/2022 14:04:00 UTC
