CVE-2022-39327 - Azure CLI Vulnerability: Potential Code Injection in Versions Prior to 2.40.

Microsoft Azure is a popular cloud computing platform that provides numerous tools and services for IT professionals and developers. Azure CLI is used for managing Azure resources and running Azure PowerShell commands. In versions prior to 2.40., the Azure CLI contains a vulnerability that exposes users to potential code injection attacks.

Problem Description

The vulnerability, identified as CVE-2022-39327, presents the possibility of attackers injecting malicious code via Azure CLI commands that utilize parameter values provided by external sources. This critical issue affects Windows machines running any version of PowerShell, and occurs when the command parameter value contains either the & or | symbols.

To demonstrate a scenario where an attacker could exploit this vulnerability, let's consider the following example:

$attackersValue = " & some_malicious_code"
az someAction --email $attackersValue

In this case, the attacker provides a value that contains the & symbol, resulting in the execution of the "some_malicious_code" command. An attacker can use this tactic to compromise systems, gain unauthorized access, or execute other malicious actions.

Affected Versions

Azure CLI versions prior to 2.40. on Windows machines with any version of PowerShell are affected by this vulnerability.

Original References:

- CVE-2022-39327, National Vulnerability Database
- Azure CLI Vulnerability Advisement


Microsoft has released Azure CLI version 2.40., which provides a mitigation for the CVE-2022-39327 vulnerability. Users should upgrade to this version or newer to protect themselves from code injection attacks.

To update your Azure CLI to the latest version, you can execute the following command in your PowerShell:

iex "& { $(irm }"

After running the command above, verify that your Azure CLI installation is updated by executing the following command:

az --version

If you see a version number of 2.40. or greater, you have successfully updated your Azure CLI and addressed the potential code injection vulnerability.


While the CVE-2022-39327 vulnerability only impacts a specific set of Azure CLI users (Windows machines running PowerShell), it is critical for affected users to update their software to the latest version to mitigate this threat. Cybersecurity threats are always evolving, and staying up to date with the latest security patches is essential in maintaining a secure environment.


Published on: 10/25/2022 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/28/2022 19:25:00 UTC