CVE-2022-39393 Wasmtime is a standalone runtime for WebAssembly

If you are using Wasmtime with a version of node  6.x, upgrade to a recent version of node.js, as Node 6 is not supported anymore. If you are using Wasmtime with a version of Webpack that predates version 2, upgrade to a version of Webpack that supports Webpack 2.

If you are using Wasmtime in your project and you are using Emscripten, then upgrading to emscripten 45.0.0 is strongly recommended. This release of emscripten fixes a bug where Wasmtime's initial heap snapshot could be read by other instances of a linear memory pooling allocator. If you are using Wasmtime in your project and you are using Emscripten, then upgrading to emscripten 45.0.0 is strongly recommended. This release of emscripten fixes a bug where Wasmtime's initial heap snapshot could be read by other instances of a linear memory pooling allocator.

If you are using Wasmtime in your project, then upgrading to a version of Webpack that supports Webpack 2 is recommended. Wasmtime 2.0.2 is the only version of Wasmtime that supports Webpack 2. If you are using Wasmtime in your project, then upgrading to a version of Webpack that supports Webpack 2 is recommended. Wasmtime 2.0.2 is the only version of Wasmtime that supports Webpack 2

What is Wasmtime?

Wasmtime is an open source library for compiling and running WASM code in the browser. It is used by both Ethereum and Emscripten for compilation, and it also allows for execution of wasm code in the browser using WebAssembly.

Wasmtime 2.0.2 is the only version of Wasmtime that supports Webpack 2

Issue with Wasmtime and Webpack 1 .x

Wasmtime and Webpack 1.x are not compatible with each other and cannot co-exist in the same project. If you have Wasmtime installed, then uninstall it before installing Webpack 1.x

Wasmtime 2.0.2 Requirements

Wasmtime 2.0.2 requires a recent version of node.js, emscripten 45.0.0 or later, and Webpack 2

How do I know if Wasmtime is supported in my project?

Wasmtime is supported in all projects based on the following libraries:
Webpack 2 and node 6.x
Emscripten 45.0.0

Wasmtime 2.0.2 is the only version of Wasmtime that supports Webpack 2

If you are using Wasmtime with a version of node 6.x then upgrade to a recent version of node. If you are using Wasmtime with a version of Webpack that predates version 2, upgrade to a version of Webpack that supports Webpack 2.


Published on: 11/10/2022 20:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/17/2022 16:01:00 UTC
