The Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) is a cloud storage solution provided by Alibaba Cloud that offers both high-level APIs and low-level APIs, allowing users to store and manage a vast amount of data in the cloud. The Rust programming language has become increasingly popular for its low-level API support, and the Aliyun OSS client written in Rust is one of the many OSS clients available.

CVE-2022-39397 relates to a vulnerability in the 'aliyun-oss-client' Rust library used for the Alibaba Cloud OSS. This issue affects users of the client library and may lead to involuntary disclosure of sensitive information.

The scope of this post is to provide an in-depth understanding of the vulnerability, the affected versions, and how users can mitigate the risks associated with it.

Vulnerability Explained

The vulnerability found in the 'aliyun-oss-client' Rust library is a secrets disclosure issue, whereby the incoming secrets within the library may be unintentionally disclosed. Sensitive information such as API keys, user credentials, or other confidential data might be exposed, resulting in unauthorized access to storage resources, compromising user data or allowing malicious activities such as data tampering, corruption, or deletion.

The vulnerability exists due to the improper handling of sensitive data and the absence of appropriate access controls and encryption mechanisms protecting the secret data.

Affected Versions

The vulnerability affects versions of the 'aliyun-oss-client' Rust library up to and including version .8.. It is essential to note that the issue has been addressed and patched in version .8.1. Users are encouraged to update to the latest version as soon as possible to mitigate the risks associated with this vulnerability.

Suppose the following example demonstrates the usage of the 'aliyun-oss-client' Rust library

use aliyun_oss_client::config::Config;
use aliyun_oss_client::credential::Credentials;
use aliyun_oss_client::client::OssClient;

let credentials = Credentials::new(access_key_id, access_key_secret);
let config = Config::new("", credentials, "test_bucket_name");
let client = OssClient::new(config);

The potential vulnerability exists in the handling of the 'access_key_id' and 'access_key_secret' data within the library. This code snippet does not itself reveal the vulnerability but demonstrates the standard usage of the library, which might lead an attacker to exploit the vulnerability in vulnerable versions.

Exploit Details

An attacker may exploit this vulnerability by intercepting the incoming secret data or by gaining unauthorized access to an affected user's storage resources. This could result in data theft, corruption, or other malicious activities. As the vulnerability lies within the 'aliyun-oss-client' Rust library code, it is primarily a concern for users of the library rather than the OSS service itself.

Mitigation and Patch

To address this vulnerability, the developers released version .8.1 of the 'aliyun-oss-client' Rust library. Users should update to the latest version as soon as possible to mitigate the risks associated with this vulnerability.

$ cargo update -p aliyun-oss-client --precise .8.1

Running the command above will update the 'aliyun-oss-client' Rust library to the patched version, .8.1.

Original References

- Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) Official Documentation:
- Rust Programming Language Official Documentation:
- Vulnerable Aliyun-OSS-Client Rust Library GitHub Repository:
- Patched Aliyun-OSS-Client Rust Library Version .8.1:


CVE-2022-39397 is a vulnerability in the 'aliyun-oss-client' Rust library that might lead to unintended disclosure of sensitive information. Users of the library should immediately update to the patched version (.8.1) to mitigate the risks associated with this vulnerability.

Stay informed on vulnerabilities, patches, and updates to ensure the security of your applications and data, and always adhere to best practices in handling sensitive information within your code.


Published on: 11/22/2022 21:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/28/2022 14:56:00 UTC