CVE-2022-40308 If anonymous read enabled, it's possible to read the database file directly without logging in.

This is a serious security risk as the data in the database is not stored in a secured way. You should only enable this feature if you trust the application with the information it's storing. This feature is disabled by default. You can enable it in the database configuration file (usually app.php). If you enable it, you won’t be able to log in and view your data. You can protect your data by encrypting it or securing it with a password.

How to fix Disallow access to DB variable?

To fix this issue, you can enable the feature in the database configuration file (usually app.php). If you enable this feature, you won’t be able to log in and view your data. You can protect your data by encrypting it or securing it with a password.

Insecure Direct Object References

The insecure direct object references vulnerability allows a remote attacker to access data that shouldn't be accessible.
One way to prevent this is by securing the application's database. This can be done by encrypting the information or setting up a password to securely store it.

Troubleshooting Tips

This issue affects only the app.php database configuration file and can be fixed by disabling this feature.

SQL Injection (SQLi)

SQL injection is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications. In a SQL injection attack, an attacker crafts special malicious SQL statements that are sent to the database of a vulnerable system. These statements can then be used to steal information from the database or alter it without permission.

The most common way for attackers to exploit this vulnerability is by injecting malicious code into user input fields on web forms. When this happens, the application will execute that code and display whatever was entered rather than what's expected. The injected code can also be used to access data in other areas of the system, such as changing passwords or gaining administrator status. This attack is often combined with other vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting attacks to create a more serious threat.


Published on: 11/15/2022 13:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/17/2022 04:54:00 UTC
