CVE-2022-40470 - Phpgurukul Blood Donor Management System 1. XSS Vulnerability Exploitation through Add Blood Group Name Feature

A newly discovered vulnerability, CVE-2022-40470, concerns an open-source software called Phpgurukul Blood Donor Management System 1.. This software aims to help healthcare organizations manage their blood donor databases, keeping essential donor information and blood group details for easy access and enhanced operations.

The vulnerability found in this software is a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability, which permits an attacker to compromise the software by injecting malicious scripts into a user's web browser. This post will discuss the vulnerability in detail, including the exploit's technical aspects, code snippets, and links to the originally referenced materials.

Original References

1. NVD - CVE-2022-40470:
2. Github Security Advisory:
3. Exploit Database:
4. Phpgurukul Blood Donor Management System:

Vulnerability Details

The Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability is present in the "Add Blood Group Name" feature in the software. This specific feature allows users to add new blood group names to the system. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability by injecting malicious scripts into the "Blood Group Name" input field, bypassing any input validation checks and causing the script to execute when a victim accesses the compromised page of the software.

In the "Blood Group Name" field, insert the malicious XSS script code, such as


Save the new blood group name with the injected script.

6. Wait for a victim to access the vulnerable page, either by displaying the list of blood groups, or searching for blood donors with the injected blood group name.
7. Once the victim accesses the page, the injected XSS script will execute on their browser, causing unintended behavior, which could range from stealing sensitive information to manipulating application behavior.


To prevent this vulnerability, developers should make sure to implement proper input validation and output escaping techniques such as escaping special characters, filtering out harmful inputs, and using secure coding practices. Additionally, updating the Phpgurukul Blood Donor Management System to a version that has addressed this vulnerability is recommended.


CVE-2022-40470 highlights the importance of secure coding practices and diligent input validation in web applications like Phpgurukul Blood Donor Management System 1.. Developers and administrators should take these vulnerabilities seriously, as attacks exploiting these flaws can lead to information theft, unauthorized system access, or even denial of service. Ensuring your software is up-to-date and following security best practices will go a long way toward protecting your organization from potential threats.


Published on: 11/21/2022 16:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/22/2022 01:07:00 UTC