CVE-2022-41306 Malicious PCT file could lead to memory corruption vulnerability by write access violation.

In our campaign we found that the application doesn’t validate if the uploaded file is in PCT format. The application also doesn’t enforce any restrictions on the file type as it accepts them all. When this application receives an attack vector, such as a PCT file, it will launch the file to the user and it will be displayed as a PDF file. Once the user has opened the file, it can be executed and lead to a memory corruption vulnerability. An attacker would only need to upload a PCT file and the user would receive it as a PDF file and open it. This would lead to an attacker’s code being executed in the context of the user’s process. This is a very common vector in the PCT file. This is the accepted format of the PCT file and it is not validated by the application. An attacker would only need to upload a PCT file and the user would receive it as a PDF file and open it. Once this has happened, an attacker could execute their code and lead to a memory corruption vulnerability.

The attack pipeline

The way that this vulnerability is exploited can be seen in the attack pipeline. The first step in the attack is when the user receives a PCT file from an attacker and opens it as a PDF file. This will execute any code that has been uploaded, which will then lead to a memory corruption vulnerability.

In our campaign we found that the application doesn’t validate if the uploaded file is in PCT format. The application also doesn’t enforce any restrictions on the file type as it accepts them all. When this application receives an attack vector, such as a PCT file, it will launch the file to the user and it will be displayed as a PDF file. Once the user has opened the file, it can be executed and lead to a memory corruption vulnerability. An attacker would only need to upload a PCT file and the user would receive it as a PDF file and open it. This would lead to an attacker’s code being executed in the context of the user’s process. This is a very common vector in the PCT file. This is the accepted format of the PCT file and it is not validated by the application. An attacker would only need to upload a PCT file and the user would receive it as a PDF file and open it. Once this has happened, an attacker could execute their code and lead to a memory corruption vulnerability.


Published on: 10/14/2022 17:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/19/2022 06:17:00 UTC
