CVE-2022-41426 Bento4 v1.6.0-639 had a memory leak in the AP4_AtomFactory::CreateAtomFromStream function.

When splitting MP4 files, the Atom Factory is responsible for creating Atom feed items such as categories, tags and images. A memory leak was discovered in the AP4_AtomFactory::CreateAtomFromStream function in which the memory is not freed when the function returns. This results in a memory leak and potential exploitation of a memory leak. When running on a low-memory environment, this may cause a dangerous situation where the application crashes without any visible indication. The application may also result in a denial of service due to memory exhaustion.

CVE releases have been made for the following biblio packages:

* biblio-5.11.5-5.el7_1.2

* biblio-5.11.5-6.el7_1.3

* biblio-5.11.5-7.el7_1.4

* biblio-5.11.5-8.el7_1.6

* biblio-5.11.5-9.el7_1.7

* biblio-5.11.5-10.el7_1.8

* biblio-5.11.5-11.el7_1.9

* biblio-5.11.5-12.el7_1.10

* biblio-5

Biblio Vulnerability Summary

CVE-2022-41426 is a bug in how the Atom Factory processes MP4 files. This bug is causing a memory leak in the Atom Factory and can cause crashes of the application and denial of service. The following releases have been made:

* biblio-5.11.5-5.el7_1.2
* biblio-5.11.5-6.el7_1.3
* biblio-5.11.5-7.el7_1.4
* biblio-5.11.5-8.el7_1.6
* biblio-5.11.5-9.el7_1



How to avoid the 5 Most Common Mistakes When Outsourcing SEO
Outsourcing can be a great way to take some of the burden off your company and invest in something that will help you grow. But as with anything, it's possible to make mistakes when outsourcing your SEO strategy.
Here are five mistakes to avoid when hiring an external firm:
1) Going cheap and inexperienced companies: The cheapest option isn't always the best option. Not all firms have experience with digital marketing, so you'll want to find one that specializes in that area rather than just having someone on staff who has prior experience with search engine optimization (SEO).
2) Choosing a company based on their past client list: A client list doesn't guarantee success for future projects. The standard process for picking a company is looking at their past work and checking out their portfolio, but this may not always provide an accurate picture of what they're capable of achieving for you. It's important to understand what they can offer before making a decision, otherwise you could end up with a lackluster service or a crash course in SEO by someone who's new at it.
3) Hiring someone without asking any questions: Keep in mind that outsourcing doesn't necessarily mean hiring someone entirely outside your team and forgetting about them once the project is complete; it means working with others on a

Biblio 5.12 .0-1.el7_1.10

* biblio-5.12.0-1.el7_1.10

* biblio-5.12.0-2.el7_2


Published on: 10/03/2022 14:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/05/2022 13:22:00 UTC
