CVE-2022-41495 ClipperCMS 1.3.3 had an SSRF vulnerability via the rss_url_news parameter.

SSRF is an attack on a website where an attacker is able to view or change data on a server without being blocked by the firewall or proxy.

Vulnerability details

In order to exploit the vulnerability, an attacker would need to open a connection between his computer and the target website. The vulnerability is a remote code execution vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute any command on the target website.
This vulnerability can be exploited with a wide range of attack vectors, including SQL injection and directory traversals.

Exploitation Scenario

A website is vulnerable to a site-specific request forgery (SSRF) vulnerability. An attacker is able to exploit this vulnerability and change the company’s database.
In order to protect against this attack, companies must implement two-factor authentication. This adds an extra layer of protection that requires the user to log on with two passwords. This will eventually deter attackers from taking advantage of vulnerabilities like SSRF.

How it works: SSRF is an SSRF attack

SSRF is an SSRF attack. An SSRF attack can be done by anyone that has access to the web server and can enter a URL in the browser's address bar. In this case, it was done by a hacker that had access to the server.
SSRF attacks are often used for man-in-the-middle attacks. The attacker changes data on the server without being blocked or detected by a firewall or proxy. These types of attacks are often referred to as "man-in-the-middle" attacks because they allow an attacker to see and take over traffic between two parties without being noticed. This happens because routers don't have mechanisms for detecting malicious behavior from servers when sending requests back and forth.


Published on: 10/13/2022 21:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/14/2022 09:21:00 UTC
