CVE-2022-41603 The phones have the fingerprint vulnerability. Successful exploitation may affect the fingerprint service.

A local attacker may access and control the smart phone or read personal data from it.


A remote attacker may access and control the smart phone or read personal data from it.
CVE-2022-41603 and CVE-2023-41604 are vulnerabilities in the same company that allows a local attacker to access and control the smart phone or read personal data from it. Local attackers can also access and control the smart phone or read personal data from it, which is why this is not an issue for companies using this software.

Weak password authentication process

Without a strong password, you are at risk of someone hacking into your phone and doing what they want. A weak password is one that doesn't follow any set rules or patterns. A good example of a weak password is "password." That's an easy-to-guess password!
Another reason why using bad passwords can be damaging is because hackers can use your account to gain access to your personal information and use it for their own purposes. For example, if you have a Gmail account, and somebody uses your email address to sign up for something on the internet, like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, they will receive all your info from those services without authorization. This can cause serious problems for those who are not expecting it.


Published on: 10/14/2022 16:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/15/2022 01:58:00 UTC
