CVE-2022-41917 OpenSearch is a community-driven open source fork of Elasticsearch and Kibana that allows users to specify a local file.

It is important to note that OpenSearch is not vulnerable to this issue. It is possible to execute any query against the OpenSearch index using the Web Console. OpenSearch is not vulnerable to this issue because it is not a default configuration. OpenSearch is not vulnerable to this issue because it is not a default configuration. Recently, there was a significant update to the OpenSearch community. The development team is actively working on addressing issues as they arise.

How to check if your installation is vulnerable to CVE-2022-41917?

You can check if your installation is vulnerable to CVE-2022-41917 by using the following steps:
1. Log in to the Web Console of your OpenSearch installation and open the "Search Console" tab.
2. In the "Index Status" section, click on "Show Index State".
3. Click on "Details" to see a list of queries that were executed during runtime and those that were not executed.
4. If there are any queries for which a query execution failed, then you are vulnerable to CVE-2022-41917.


4. https://www.enterprise-ui-marketplace-agreement-eumaa

What is OpenSearch?

OpenSearch is a standard for sharing metadata about Web search engines with the public. It was introduced to provide a centralized location for searching and accessing information from all search engines. On the OpenSearch website, you can also find documentation on how to make your own indexes using this standard.


Published on: 11/16/2022 00:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/18/2022 20:36:00 UTC
