CVE-2022-41943 It is possible to execute commands on Gitserver's admin site when the experimental customGitFetch feature is enabled. This feature has now been disabled by default.

Git servers are often used to host large code bases where it is important to know if any changes have been made to the code base without a code review. For example, this is important for large software development teams where it is not possible to have a manual check for every change. Git servers are often used to host large code bases where it is important to know if any changes have been made to the code base without a code review. For example, this is important for large software development teams where it is not possible to have a manual check for every change.

How It Works

A repository is a Git directory, which contains all the files that are related to a particular project. There are two types of repositories: checked out and checked in. The checked out repository is the one that has been downloaded onto your computer by cloning the repository. This is where you will be working on your changes. When you make changes to the code, these changes are saved in the checked-in repository, which becomes updated instantly as soon as you do so.
When someone checks their work in and publishes it back to the server, this allows other developers with access to the published version of the code to review the changes that have been made without having to download all of their files again. Changes can also be rejected if needed and then reverted back for further review and feedback from designated reviewers.

How to Automatically Monitor Changes with Git

The easiest way to apply a security patch or fix for a vulnerability is to have Git automatically monitor for changes in the code base. This ensures that any modifications are detected before they are applied to the live system and provide an early warning if anything has been changed without authorization.
To set up Git scanning, you need to start by opening your local repository and running git config --global alias. It should be set up like this:
# In Unix git config --global alias.mon "!git status -s | grep 'Changes not staged for commit'"
# In Windows git config --global alias.mon "!git status -s | findstr 'Changes not staged for commit' | findstr /c:" # Find every change that is not Staged For Commit (SFC)
Next, you need to add the SFC file type so that Git knows what changes it needs to look out for:
# In Unix git config --global core.excludesfiletype sfc
# In Windows git config --global core.excludesfiletype sfc
Now, you can modify your .git/config file so that it looks like this:
[core] excludesfiletype = *.sfc

How to Detect if Any Code Changes with Git

The command line is one way to detect if any changes have been made to the code base. To use this method, you need to know the name of the Git repository and the repository's SHA-1 hash. Once you have your SHA-1 hash, you can run "git log" and see what was changed when a push occurred:
$ git log --oneline
...HEAD commit 3a2d7667bfc3fef3c56e8ddece57fae81326d9a (refs/stash@{0})
commit f682192454f630412ae2df58a8b5a3c9ff6e547 (refs/heads/master)
push 1cf605db2946fb0f52eb28d08af20cd81ba9bde (refs/remotes/origin/master)
$ git log --oneline
...HEAD commit 3a2d7667bfc3fef3c56e8ddece57fae81326d9a (refs/stash@{0})
commit f682192454f630412ae2df58a8b5a3c9ff6e547 (refs/heads/master)


Published on: 11/22/2022 19:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/26/2022 03:31:00 UTC
