CVE-2022-42064 An attacker exploited a remote version 1.0 of the Lab Management System to upload a shell.

Once the attacker has control of the database, they can do anything they wish with the data. This can range from simply deleting the data, to selling it on the black market to injecting the data with malicious code to steal user credentials. Furthermore, data in these systems can be easily lost due to inaccurate or outdated records, or because of a system crash. Data in these systems is often used to make critical business decisions, such as hiring new employees, or deciding where to allocate resources, such as which customers to serve, or which products to manufacture. Data can also be used for extortion, such as threatening to release data to cause financial loss or to scare customers into paying a ransom.

What is a Data Lake?

A data lake is a large repository of unstructured, semi-structured, or structured data that has been transformed into a new format. If you want your data to be available for analytics and automation, you need to store it in a data lake. It's also important to note that the term "data lake" can refer to more than one thing.
Data lakes are used by businesses because they allow access to all data in one place. When companies use a data lake, they can easily access information from multiple sources without having to manage them separately. Data lakes are not limited to just databases; they are also beneficial for cloud storage systems such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 and Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.

What is Misfires?

Misfires are when a system does not function as anticipated. This can result in a variety of errors, including corrupt data, lost data, and a lack of access to the desired functionality.
For instance, if you were using your smartphone to play music and then the app froze up, you would have experienced a misfire. Misfires are also referred to as “blue screens,” because they must be addressed with an operating system reboot in order for the device to function normally again.

Database Injection Attacks

One of the most common methods of database attack is through database injection. This type of attack involves a user running unauthorized SQL commands against database software. They are able to do this because they control the database, either by gaining access to a system with privileges or by exploiting weak passwords that have been used in shared accounts. In these instances, attackers will often use the command and control (C&C) server to send malicious code, such as malware, to the target server. Once they have done this, they can gain access to any other related systems on their network. One example of a C&C server is shellshockd at port 51555 for SSH which is commonly available on commercial cloud services such as Amazon Web Services.

SQL Injection

SQL injection happens when an attacker is able to place code in a SQL query that the database doesn't expect. With SQL injection, an attacker can gain access to data from a database without the knowledge of the developer or administrator.

The Problem with Database Security

These databases are vulnerable to a wide range of attacks. For example, hackers can gain access to these databases by guessing the database user's password, or by exploiting an old software vulnerability. Due to these vulnerabilities, it’s critical that you make database security a top priority and protect your data from attackers.


Published on: 10/14/2022 15:16:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/15/2022 03:44:00 UTC
