CVE-2022-42069 A birth certificate management system version 1.0 has a XSS vulnerability.

XSS vulnerabilities occur when a website is susceptible to unauthorized data injection. When a user inputs malicious code into a web form, the input can be executed as code in another domain. XSS attacks are among the most common and dangerous types of cyber attacks. A hacker can steal sensitive information like passwords or bank account numbers, use the data for identity fraud, or launch a wide array of other attacks.
XSS is a very common vulnerability that can be exploited by hackers to gain access to sensitive information. Unfortunately, the Birth Certificate Management System is vulnerable to XSS. Any website that allows users to create or edit content on their site will suffer from XSS vulnerabilities.

How Strict Is Your XSS Policy?

A website’s XSS policy is how they deal with the vulnerability. For example, many websites require that users input their HTML code when editing content. This helps prevent malicious code from being injected into your website and prevents hackers from stealing sensitive information like passwords or bank account numbers.
XSS policies are not one size fits all, though. It's important for businesses to create policies that meet their specific needs and security requirements. The most important factor in making an XSS policy is determining what level of risk your business wants to take on. If you have a low risk tolerance, you may want to implement stricter guidelines than if you had a high risk tolerance.
It's also important for businesses to understand which type of data does or does not need protection in order for them to decide on their XSS policy. For example, do you need to protect credit card numbers? If not, it may be best for your company if you implemented more lenient guidelines than if you needed to protect credit card numbers as well as other sensitive information like passwords or bank account numbers.


Published on: 10/14/2022 15:16:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/15/2022 03:44:00 UTC
