CVE-2022-42902 In LavA before 2022.10, there is dynamic code execution in lav_server/

This can lead to a wide range of impacts, such as remote code execution, data injection, or even denial of service. To avoid this issue, input validation should be performed before the code is served to the user. This can be done by using the security-context decorator. The decorator takes the code to be validated and returns a new code that will be executed instead of the original code. Here is an example of how to use the security-context decorator: SecurityContext(code='') In order for the code to be validated, security annotations must be present on the code. For this purpose, the security-annotations project has been created. In order to use the annotations, you must install the annotation processor on your system. You can install the annotation processor by running the following in a terminal: pip install --user security-annotations Alternatively, you can install the security-annotations package with the pip command.

Avoiding Code Injection Attacks With Developer Efforts

As with any security vulnerability, input validation should be performed to block malicious code injection. In order to use the security-context decorator, the code must be served to the user with the proper annotations. The following is an example of how to use a web framework with security-context decorator:
def index():
return SecurityContext(code='index.html')
SecurityContext is defined in app/ and would usually be imported from .


Published on: 10/13/2022 03:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/17/2022 12:15:00 UTC
