CVE-2022-43014 OpenCATS v0.9.6 had a XSS vulnerability when the joborderID parameter was used.

An attacker can inject malicious code in the user’s browser to take control of the vulnerable system. OpenCATS administrators are advised to review the joborderID input field and restrict access to this field to trusted users.

OpenCATS administrators are advised to review the joborderID input field and restrict access to this field to trusted users.

OpenCATS v0.9.6 was also found to have a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability. An attacker can exploit this issue to exploit the OpenCATS system to take control of a system.
On June 8, 2018, OpenCATS released version v0.9.7, a hotfix for v0.9.6. The new version addresses these issues and more. An updated package for OpenCATS v0.9.7 is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux, and Ubuntu.


This is a type of attack that exploits the trusted relationship between an authenticated user (e.g., an administrator) and his or her site, to trick the user into performing actions against their will.
An attacker can exploit this issue to exploit the OpenCATS system to take control of a system.

CSRF vulnerability

The CSRF vulnerability in OpenCATS creates opportunities for attackers to take over a system by exploiting the vulnerable system.
OpenCATS is an open source monitoring tool designed to monitor and manage different types of servers, virtual machines, and containers. One of the vulnerabilities in OpenCATS is a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability that allows malicious users to exploit the vulnerable system. The vulnerability can be exploited by attackers when an administrator visits a malicious URL. If an attacker exploits this vulnerability, he or she can inject malicious code into the user's browser to take control of the vulnerable system.

New features in OpenCATS v0.9.7

OpenCATS v0.9.7 includes new features including the ability to see what files are modified on your system, the ability to perform a search, and the ability to restart services with a button rather than having to right-click every service individually.
The newest version also fixes many issues including fixing a vulnerability that allowed an attacker to take control of a system by exploiting Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities and improving SSH management.

OpenCATS v0.9.6: Critical vulnerabilities

OpenCATS v0.9.6 was found to have vulnerabilities that an attacker can exploit to take control of a system. OpenCATS administrators are advised to review the joborderID input field and restrict access to this field to trusted users.
On June 8, 2018, OpenCATS released version v0.9.7, a hotfix for v0.9.6. The new version addresses these issues and more. An updated package for OpenCATS v0.9.7 is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Linux, and Ubuntu.


Published on: 10/19/2022 18:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 10/20/2022 05:46:00 UTC
