CVE-2022-44740 CSRF Vulnerabilities in Creative Mail plugin = 1.5.4 on WordPress.

The vulnerable code is present in the “Sign Up”, “Password Reset”, and “Forgot password” forms. A remote attacker can exploit these vulnerabilities to trick users into performing actions that will result in the hacker accessing their WordPress installation, gaining access to users’ personal information, or installing malicious extensions or themes on the WordPress site. It is highly recommended that WordPress users update their plugin to the latest version as soon as possible. In addition, it is also recommended that WordPress users review their website for any suspicious activity, especially if they have received any messages from their email address that they did not send, or if their password has been changed without their knowledge. Last but not least, it is always a good idea to keep your WordPress installation and all of its users up-to-date with the latest security patches.

How to check if my WordPress site is vulnerable?

To check if your WordPress installation is vulnerable, log into the WordPress backend and open the dashboard of your WordPress site. Click on “Plugins” and review all of the plugins installed on your website. Click on “Installed Plugins” to see which plugins are currently installed on your website (the number in this column will indicate how many plugins are currently installed). Next, click “View Details” for each plugin to view its most recent release date, last update date, and current version.
If there are any vulnerable plugins on your website you should update them as soon as possible. In general, it is recommended that users avoid using outdated versions of software or any software that has not received a security patch. It is also advised that users review their websites regularly for suspicious activities or messages they did not send. If you notice anything out of place, you should report it to the proper authorities immediately!

Wordfence Security Monitoring

Wordfence Security Monitoring is an easy to use plugin that allows users to monitor the security of their WordPress installation. The plugin has advanced features such as real-time blocking, site-wide scanning, and user monitoring. It also has the ability to scan websites for vulnerabilities and find out if they have been compromised or not. If you have any questions or concerns about your website’s security, this is the plugin for you!


Published on: 11/18/2022 23:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 11/23/2022 16:49:00 UTC
