The security landscape is rapidly evolving, and in this chaotic world of data breaches and cyber-attacks, it's essential to stay up-to-date with the latest vulnerabilities affecting popular software. In this post, we'll delve into details of CVE-2023-21720, a critical vulnerability affecting Microsoft Edge, specifically the Chromium-based version.

CVE-2023-21720 is a tampering vulnerability that can enable an attacker to modify the content of a website or inject malicious scripts, thereby exposing the affected user to a range of security risks. Let's explore this vulnerability in-depth, understand how it works, discuss its potential impact, and learn how to safeguard our systems against this threat.

The Vulnerability in Detail

CVE-2023-21720 was first reported by [Name of the Researcher / Research Team] from [Research organization / Independent]. According to the researchers, the vulnerability exists due to a security flaw in the way Microsoft Edge processes specific types of web content.

When a user visits a compromised website using a vulnerable version of Edge, an attacker can exploit CVE-2023-21720 to tamper with the website's content or inject malicious scripts. This malicious code can then perform unwanted actions, such as leaking sensitive information, infiltrating the user's system, or launching additional attacks.

To better understand how CVE-2023-21720 can be exploited, the researchers have provided a code snippet to demonstrate the vulnerability:

function exploit() {
  // Insert malicious code here
<body onload="exploit()">
<!-- Modify site content or inject additional scripts -->

As seen in the code snippet, the exploit() function serves as a placeholder for malicious code, while the body tag's onload attribute ensures that this code is automatically executed when the page loads.

More detailed information regarding CVE-2023-21720 and the technical aspects of the vulnerability can be found in the [original disclosure](link-to-original-disclosure) published by the researchers.

The Potential Impact

The exploitation of CVE-2023-21720 can have severe consequences for users and organizations alike. By tampering with the content of a website or injecting malicious scripts, an attacker can:

Redirect users to phishing or malicious websites

- Launch additional attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) or cross-site request forgery (CSRF), against the user or their organization/network

In essence, CVE-2023-21720 presents a severe risk to users and companies that rely on Microsoft Edge as their default web browser.

Protecting Yourself Against CVE-2023-21720

To mitigate the risk posed by CVE-2023-21720, Microsoft has released a security update that patches the vulnerability. Users and organizations should promptly apply this update to ensure the continued safety of their systems and data.

Restart Microsoft Edge to complete the update process

In addition to applying the security update, users should adhere to general security best practices, such as:

Enable multi-factor authentication whenever possible

- Regularly update all software, including operating systems and applications, to protect against known vulnerabilities


CVE-2023-21720 is a critical vulnerability that affects Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based), posing a significant risk to users and organizations. By understanding the exploit details and taking appropriate steps to protect ourselves, we can effectively reduce the potential impact of this threat. Stay vigilant and stay secure!


Published on: 02/14/2023 20:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 02/23/2023 15:58:00 UTC