CVE-2023-21727 Unraveling a Remote Procedure Call Runtime Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

In the world of cybersecurity, new vulnerabilities are discovered every day. One such flaw is dubbed “CVE-2023-21727” - a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) runtime remote code execution vulnerability. This particular vulnerability can be exploited by a potential attacker to remotely execute an arbitrary code on a victim's machine, leading to several adverse outcomes such as unauthorized access or data leakage.

In this long read post, we'll delve deep into the details of CVE-2023-21727, explore the code snippet that causes the vulnerability, and discuss the intricacies of potential exploits. Finally, since understanding the problem is only half the battle, we'll also suggest some possible mitigation strategies to combat this flaw.


Before we dive into CVE-2023-21727, it's essential to acquaint ourselves with its original references:
1. Official CVE announcement
2. National Vulnerability Database (NVD) entry
These references will provide information about the severity and impact of the vulnerability, while also offering potential mitigation strategies.

The Code Snippet

To understand how the vulnerability occurs, we need to analyze the code snippet that can trigger an issue in the RPC runtime environment. Let's take a look at a flawed code example that exposes the vulnerability (keep in mind that this is a simple representation of the issue and not the complete code):

import xmlrpc.server

# Example of a flawed XML-RPC server
class FlawedXMLRPCServer(xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCServer):
    # This function will be remotely called by the client
    def eval_expr(self, expr: str):
        return eval(expr)

server = FlawedXMLRPCServer(('localhost', 9876))
server.register_function(server.eval_expr, 'eval_expr')

In the code snippet above, we define an XML-RPC server with one remotely callable function 'eval_expr' for evaluation of a given expression. However, instead of properly parsing the expression, the code uses the insecure eval() function. As a result, users can pass malicious code in the input string and cause the RPC runtime remote code execution vulnerability.

The Exploit

Now that we have a better understanding of the code causing CVE-2023-21727, let's explore how an attacker can exploit this vulnerability.

An attacker could craft a malicious request like the following to execute arbitrary code

import xmlrpc.client

proxy = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy('http://localhost:9876';)

malicious_code = "__import__('os').system('PUT MALICIOUS COMMAND HERE')"

This example client sends a malicious request to the server, triggering an execution of the arbitrary code in the server's RPC runtime environment. The attacker could use this approach to obtain unauthorized access or exfiltrate sensitive data from the victim's machine.

Update your runtime environment to the latest versions, as they would contain security patches.

Additionally, you should keep an eye on the official CVE announcement and the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) entry for any new updates or mitigation suggestions.


CVE-2023-21727 is a severe Remote Procedure Call (RPC) runtime remote code execution vulnerability that can have dire consequences if exploited. By understanding the code snippet causing this issue, the potential exploits, and the available mitigations, we hope to create a safer and more secure environment for developers and end-users alike. Stay informed about the latest CVE developments and always prioritize security when developing or deploying software systems.


Published on: 04/11/2023 21:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 04/19/2023 16:05:00 UTC