CVE-2023-23375 - Critical Microsoft ODBC and OLE DB Remote Code Execution Vulnerability You Need to Patch Immediately

Recently, a high-severity vulnerability (CVE-2023-23375) impacting Microsoft's Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) and Object Linking and Embedding Database (OLE DB) technologies has been discovered, exposing countless applications and servers to potential Remote Code Execution (RCE) attacks. If left unpatched, attackers can execute arbitrary code on affected systems with elevated privileges, posing a significant risk for organizations worldwide. In this post, we will provide a deep dive into the CVE-2023-23375 vulnerability, including its exploit details, vulnerable code snippet, and links to original references.

Exploit Details

The critical RCE vulnerability resides in the way Microsoft's ODBC and OLE DB handle specific query parameters. An attacker can craft a malicious SQL query to exploit the lack of proper input validation and safely bypass security measures. Once exploited, the vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code in the context of the affected system's account, typically resulting in complete system compromise.

Vulnerable Code Snippet

To better understand the vulnerability, let's examine this sample vulnerable code snippet that typically accepts user-input values for querying a database using ODBC or OLE DB technologies:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <odbc/SQL.h>
#include <odbc/SQLtypes.h>

void getUserData(char *input) {
    SQLHENV hEnv;
    SQLHDBC hDbc;
    SQLHSTMT hStmt;
    SQLRETURN retCode;

    retCode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &hEnv);
    // Handle errors and allocate connection handle

    retCode = SQLExecDirect(hStmt, input, SQL_NTS);
    // Handle errors and fetch results

int main() {
    char userInput[100];
    printf("Please enter user ID: ");
    fgets(userInput, sizeof(userInput), stdin);

    return ;

In the given code snippet, a user input is directly passed into the SQLExecDirect function without any validation or sanitization. This opens up the system to potential SQL injection attacks, which can be leveraged to exploit the CVE-2023-23375 vulnerability.

Microsoft has acknowledged the CVE-2023-23375 vulnerability and published an advisory that includes additional details, as well as patches and workarounds to address the issue. The following links serve as original references to help you stay informed and take appropriate action:

1. Microsoft Security Advisory:
2. NVD Vulnerability Details:
3. Mitre CVE Listing:

Mitigation and Patching

It is crucial to apply the Microsoft-provided patches for the affected systems immediately to secure your infrastructure against potential exploitation of the CVE-2023-23375 vulnerability. Additionally, consider implementing the following best practices to enhance your overall security posture:


The CVE-2023-23375 vulnerability poses a significant threat to Microsoft ODBC and OLE DB technologies utilized by countless applications and servers worldwide. It is essential to take immediate action and deploy the recommended patches to protect your systems from potential RCE attacks. By following best practices and staying informed of emerging threats, organizations can significantly reduce their security risks and maintain a robust security posture.


Published on: 04/11/2023 21:15:00 UTC