CVE-2023-23499 is a vulnerability that allows an application to access user-sensitive data without proper authentication, leading to potential information disclosure and unauthorized activities. This exploit affects various Apple operating systems, including macOS Ventura 13.2, macOS Monterey 12.6.3, tvOS 16.3, watchOS 9.3, iOS 16.3, iPadOS 16.3, and macOS Big Sur 11.7.3.

In this detailed guide, we will look into the background of this vulnerability, how it was addressed by enabling hardened runtime, relevant code snippets, and links to original references. As part of the guide, we will use simple American English to ensure that our readers have a comprehensive understanding of the issue and solutions.


Apple's operating systems tend to have a wide range of applications handling sensitive user information, such as passwords, financial data, and location information. To protect user privacy and data security, Apple continuously works on fixing vulnerabilities and releasing updated versions of the operating systems.

One such vulnerability reported was CVE-2023-23499, which allowed an app to access user-sensitive data without proper authentication. Apple addressed this issue by enabling hardened runtime, which provides comprehensive security features such as app sandboxing, library validation, and code signing enforcement.

Below, we will discuss the key points surrounding this vulnerability, including code snippets, links to original references, and exploit details.

Search for "Hardened Runtime" and click on it when it appears in the search results.

5. Enable the necessary entitlements, such as "Allow Execution of JIT-compiled Code" or "Allow Unsigned Executable Memory," as needed for your application.

Original References

For more information on CVE-2023-23499 and the fixes associated with it, you can refer to the following official sources:

1. Apple Security Advisory:
2. CVE Details:
3. Apple Developer Documentation on Hardened Runtime:

Exploit Details

The exploit CVE-2023-23499 works by targeting an application with inadequate security measures, such as using weak or no authentication mechanisms for accessing sensitive user data. An attacker can potentially exploit this vulnerability to perform unauthorized actions on a compromised system, such as extracting sensitive information (passwords, credit card details) or even causing the affected system to crash.

It should be noted that this issue impacts only applications that do not have hardened runtime enabled. Although enabling hardened runtime is not a guaranteed fix, it does provide a significant increase in security that prevents most of such exploits.


CVE-2023-23499 is a severe vulnerability that affects multiple Apple operating systems. By using hardened runtime, developers can add additional security measures to their applications, making it difficult for attackers to exploit the vulnerability. Developers should keep their operating systems up-to-date with the latest security patches and follow best practices to ensure the safety of user-sensitive data.


Published on: 02/27/2023 20:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 03/08/2023 23:12:00 UTC