CVE-2023-23591: Understanding the Logback Component Vulnerability in Terminalfour and How to Mitigate It

The latest vulnerability, dubbed CVE-2023-23591, has been identified in the Logback component of Terminalfour versions before This vulnerability is particularly concerning as it allows Operating System (OS) administrators to access sensitive information from the application server logs when debug logging is enabled. In this comprehensive post, we will discuss the vulnerability, review code snippets, provide links to original references, and explore ways to exploit and mitigate this security risk.

Understanding the Vulnerability

The Logback component is an essential piece of Terminalfour, a leading web content management system. The vulnerability exists in versions before, and when exploited, it reveals sensitive information through application server logs during the debug logging process. To better appreciate how this vulnerability plays out, let's dig into some code snippets from an affected version of Terminalfour:

Unsecured Code Snippet (Affected Logback Component)

import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent;
import ch.qos.logback.core.OutputStreamAppender;

public class DebugLogAppender extends OutputStreamAppender<ILoggingEvent> {
    private OutputStream outputStream;

    public void start() {
        this.outputStream = new FileOutputStream("/path/to/log/debug.log", true);


In the example above, the DebugLogAppender class resides within the affected Logback component in Terminalfour. It logs the debug information to a file named "debug.log." The vulnerability lies in the fact that the logged debug information may contain sensitive data that can be accessed by OS administrators.


To resolve this vulnerability, it is crucial to upgrade Terminalfour to one of the following fixed versions:,,, or In addition to upgrading, the following secure code snippet demonstrates the mitigation steps within the Logback component:

Secured Code Snippet (Fixed Logback Component)

import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent;
import ch.qos.logback.core.OutputStreamAppender;

public class DebugLogAppender extends OutputStreamAppender<ILoggingEvent> {
    private OutputStream outputStream;

    public void start() {
        this.outputStream = new FileOutputStream("/path/to/log/debug.log", true);
        // Add a filter to prevent sensitive information in the log
        addFilter(new SensitiveDataFilter());


As outlined in the secured code snippet, adding a filter called SensitiveDataFilter effectively blocks sensitive information from appearing in the "debug.log" file. This measure protects sensitive data from being exposed to unauthorized individuals.

Exploiting the Vulnerability

Exploiting this vulnerability is relatively straightforward. An OS administrator simply needs to access the debug log file on the affected Terminalfour instance, search for sensitive information, and reveal that information for unauthorized use.

For example, an OS administrator could read the "debug.log" file by running the following command

cat /path/to/log/debug.log

This command enables the administrator to view the log file's entire content, potentially locating sensitive data without an additional security breach.

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, CVE-2023-23591 is a serious vulnerability in the Logback component of Terminalfour, allowing unauthorized individuals to access sensitive data through debug logs. To protect your data from potential exploits, it is essential to upgrade Terminalfour to one of the fixed versions and apply necessary code filters to prevent sensitive information from appearing in the logs.


1. CVE-2023-23591 Official Database
2. Terminalfour's Security Notice
3. Logback Official Documentation


Published on: 04/12/2023 14:15:00 UTC
Last modified on: 04/19/2023 19:34:00 UTC